Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Spell Summary
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The following list summarises all the magic spells that have been printed to date. As well as the spells that were published in Warhammer Battle Magic, it includes Chaos Dwarf spells from White Dwarf 163, the Ice Magic spells from Warhammer Armies - The Empire, the complete and revised Dark Magic and Necromantic spell decks, and the three decks of Chaos spells from Warhammer Armies - Chaos. Where we think it may be helpful we have also included summaries of pertinent rules, where these may have been revised or expanded from the original rules in Warhammer Battle Magic, eg Chaos and the Undead. At the end of the Spell Summary you will find a summary of the Chaos Rewards.

The table immediately below summarises what spells the different types of wizard may take.

Wizards & Spells

Type of Wizard/Race

Spell Deck(s)



Colour Magic

Human wizards take their spells from the same colour spell deck, so Grey wizards take Grey Magic spells, Bright wizards take Bright spells, and so on.

Ice Queen of Kislev

Ice Magic

High Elf Mages

Any Colour/High Magic

Must always take 1 High Magic

Wood Elf Mages:

- Mage (Level 1)

Amber or Jade

- Mage Champion (Level 2)


- Master Mage (Level 3)

Amber/Jade/1 Colour

- Mage Lord (Level 4)

High Magic/Any Colour

Dark Elf Mages


Orc/Goblin Shamans

Waaagh! Magic

Skaven Wizard


Note there are 13 (not 10) spells in the Skaven spell deck

Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer

Chaos Dwarf

Chaos Sorcerers

Own God's/Dark

Chaos Sorcerers must always take at least 1 of their own God's spells

Beastman Shamans

Any Chaos/Dark

Undead: Necromancers, Vampires, Liches


Must take at least 1 Necromantic spell, and may only take spells from one of the Colour decks