Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Ice Magic
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Ice Magic draws its power from the magical energies frozen deep within the permafrost. Ice Magic is used by the Ice Queen of Kislev and the Kislev Ice Mages.

This spell transports a single friendly model or unit up to 18" across the table. If used to move troops into hand-to-hand combat, they count as charging in the first round of fighting.

Chill BlastPower: 3Range: 24"

An icy blast strikes the first unit in its path for 2D6 S5 hits. No armour saves allowed, even for magic armour.

A magic cloak of snow protects the caster. Any hit scored on the caster by an ordinary weapon is deflected on the D6 roll of 3 or more. If hit by a magic weapon the cloak is immediately dispelled, but the caster suffers no damage, and the magic weapon is itself dispelled on a D6 roll of 3 or more.

Remains in play.

Death FrostPower: 3

May be cast against a hand-to-hand combat opponent. Roll 2D6. The difference in scores = the number of $10 hits inflicted. On a double, add the scores together to get the no. of S10 hits inflicted.

Freeze WaterPower: 1

The spell may be used to freeze an entire body of water anywhere on the battlefield. The water stays frozen, but the spell does not remain in play as such. Certain Bright Magic spells will thaw the frozen water - see card for details.

Hawks of MiskaPower: 1Range: 18"

May be cast at a single model or unit within 18". The target must take a Fear test immediately. If it fails, it must flee. If engaged in hand-to-hand combat the target will break if it fails the test.

Ice ShardsPower: 2Range: 18"

A storm of magic icicles strike the first unit or model in their path for 2D6 S4 hits.

The spell affects the caster and any unit they are with. Missile weapons must roll 4+ on a D6 to penetrate the shield, then roll to hit. The spell is dispelled if the wizard and unit he is with enters close combat.

Remains in play.

Snow BlizzardPower: 2Range: 18"

A raging blizzard envelops a unit within 18". The unit must halt, and may do nothing until the beginning of the following magic phase. A wizard affected may not cast spells though he may use dispels.

Wind of ColdPower: 3Range: 6D6"

A cold wind shoots 6D6" from the caster and strikes each target (unit or single model) in its path. No saving throws allowed. Target models may not move.