Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

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Gold Magic spells revolve around transmutation, so they tend to aid your troops in a more indirect way by disrupting the enemy forces. Some Gold Magic spells are particularly useful for attacking tough enemy characters.


A golden magic gauntlet flies off to strike any single model up to 6" away. It hits automatically, and causes 1 wound on a 3+. No armour saves allowed.

FEAR of ARAMARPower: 3Range: 24"

This spell can be cast at a single model or unit within 24", causing it to flee immediately, no test allowed. The target may subsequently attempt to rally, but at -3 penalty on its Ld. Does not affect creatures that are not fully alive, eg Undead and Daemons.

FOOLS' GOLDPower: 2Range: 24"

May be cast at a unit or model within 24" of the caster. The target becomes subject to Stupidity for the whole of the next turn.

GLEAMING ARROWPower: 3Range: 72"

A magic golden arrow will attack a single model within 72", hitting automatically, and causing D6 S5 hits.

If the wizard sustains 1 or more wounds from either shooting or close combat the robe will negate each wound on a roll of 3+. Make 1 roll per wound. If the wizard is attacked by a spell which either causes wounds or kills outright, the Robe will save the wizard on 4+, then dispels itself.

Remains in play.

SEARING DOOMPower: 2Range: 18"

Golden bolts of fire fly up to 18" in a straight line from the caster and strike the first unit in their path. The bolts cause 2D6 hits, and each hit causes 1 wound on 4+. No armour saves allowed.


This spell can be used to carry the wizard to another part of the battlefield. He may use it to move straight into hand-to-hand combat, in which case he counts as charging in the first round of fighting.

THE GILDED CAGEPower: 1Range: 24"

The player takes a loop of string (or similar) up to 18" long and places it around any models on the battlefield to form a 'cage'. The models inside the 'cage' may not move out. At the end of each movement phase they may try to break free by rolling under the Strength of the strongest trapped model on 1D6.

Remains in play.

After the spell has been cast, the next enemy model the wizard hits in close combat is turned to gold, with no saving throw, not even for magic armour. Victims may be brought back to life by a successful dispel.

Remains in play until the caster touches an opponent

TRANSMUTATIONPower: 1Range: 24"

The wizard may turn a 12" square area of terrain (woods, building, hedge or length of wall) into golden dust. The terrain can be restored in future turns by a successful dispel or Drain Magic.