Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

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Grey wizards have a good selection of movement and defensive magic, and are generally cheap to cast.

The wizard can transport a single model or unit up to 18" across the tabletop in any direction. If used to carry friendly troops into hand-to-hand combat, they count as charging in the first round.

Radiance of PtolosPower: 1Range: 36"

May be cast at a single model or unit within 36". The target glows very brightly, and may not be shot at. The radiance lasts until the target enters hand-to-hand combat.

Remains in play.

StormcallPower: 1Range: 3"

The wizard summons winds and lightning to attack his foes. Each enemy model within 3" takes 1 S4 hit.

The Crown of TaidronPower: 1Range: 3"

The spell casts D6 S6 hits that can be divided between enemy models with 3" of the caster. Normal armour saves apply.

The Dance of DespairPower: 2Range: 24"

May be cast at any model or unit within 24". The target moves D6" directly forward in its movement phase, and will continue to move in this way for as long as the spell lasts. While affected, the victim may do nothing.

Remains in play.

The wizard is borne to another part of the battlefield by a sorcerous steed. If used to carry the wizard into hand-to-hand combat, he counts as charging in the first round.

The Grey WingsPower: 1Range: 36"

A single friendly model within 36" of the caster may be transported anywhere on the battlefield. The model may be moved straight into hand-to-hand combat, in which case it counts as charging in the first round of combat.

The Horn of AndarPower: 2Range: 36"

A piercing horn blast echoes over the battlefield, affecting units within 36". All enemy units engaged in hand-to-hand combat must make an immediate Panic test. If they fail they are broken and must flee. All fleeing friendly units in range rally immediately.

The Pit of TarnusPower: 3Range: 24"

A dark pit 3"' in diameter opens up within 24" of the caster (use the special template). All models at least half under the template must roll under their S on a D6 or be entombed alive forever as the pit closes up. Victims cannot be freed by a dispel.

Traitor of TarnPower: 3Range: 24"

May be cast at any enemy unit or model within 24". The casting player chooses any model in the target unit and rolls 3D6. If he scores more than the target's Ld he can take over and control the target as if it were one of his own. If the first attempt is successful, the player may attempt to take over another model from the same unit. He may continue to do this until he fails to take over a model, or until he controls all the models in the chosen unit.

Remains in play.