Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

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Amber spells mostly bind or entrap the enemy, though there are some long range attack spells and a couple of potent hand-to-hand attack spells.

A storm of leaves and branches flies from a single wood on the tabletop, and attacks the nearest enemy unit within 18", causing 2D6 S4 hits. Normal armour saving throws apply.

Hunting SpearPower: 2Range: 24"

The wizard casts a magical spear at a single model or unit within 24" If the target is a single model, it is hit automatically and suffers a S6 hit for D3 wounds. If the target is a unit, the spear attacks like a bolt thrower, going through the ranks. Only magic armour may save.

Tangling ThornPower: 3Range: 24"

May be cast at any unit or model within 24". While entangled by the writhing thorns and branches, the target may do nothing. If a Fireball is cast at the thorns it frees D6 victims.

Remains in play.

The Amber TrancePower: 1Range: 18"

The spell can be cast at a single model within 18". The target rolls 1D6 and adds its Ld. The caster rolls 3D6, and if he equals or beats the target's score the victim falls into a deep trance and his body turns into amber. While transformed into amber, a model cannot be harmed or moved. A successful dispel will turn the victim back to flesh.

Remains in play.

The Curse of AnraheirPower: 3Range: 24"

The Curse affects a single model or unit within 24". The target can only hit its enemies on a roll of 6, and must re-roll any successful armour saving throws it makes. The target's move is halved, and mounted targets must take a Panic test at the start of each turn.

Remains in play.

The Flock of DoomPower: 2Range: 24"

Thousands of birds attack a single model or unit within 24" of the caster. The target suffers 3D6 S3 hits.

The caster is transported anywhere on the battlefield. He may move straight into hand-to-hand combat, in which case he counts as charging in the first round of combat.

The wizard transforms into a vicious wild beast. In hand-to-hand combat he has 3 attacks at WS6 and S6. He also causes fear in his foes.
While in beast form the wizard may not cast spells, but may use dispels normally.

Remains in play.

The magic hood will negate any wound suffered by the caster on 4+. In hand-to-hand combat, any wound saved by the hood is rebounded against the attacker.

Remains in play.

The Writhing WormPower: 1Range: 24"

A worm of magic energy attacks a single enemy model within 24". Unless the victim can roll equal to to less than their Strength on 2D6 it is cocooned and may do nothing.

Remains in play.