Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Nurgle (Spells)
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Cloud of FliesPower: 1Range: 12"

May be cast on any model or unit within 12". The victim may neither move nor shoot. Missiles may not be fired at the target.

Remains in play.

Fly SwarmPower: 1

In any turn, the first wound inflicted on the Sorcerer is automatically saved. If he is attacked by a spell or magic weapon that kills outright the Sorcerer is saved on a D6 roll of 4+, but the fly swarm is dispelled.

Remains in play.

The caster is surrounded by a cloud of foul vapours. All models within 6" of the caster have their characteristics halved (rounding up). Chaos Champions, Sorcerers and Daemons of Nurgle are unaffected.

Remains in play.

A magic pillar carries the Sorcerer into the air. He can see over the entire battlefield and cast spells as normal. The Sorcerer may only be shot at or attacked in hand-to-hand combat by flying models. While on the pillar, he has an armour save of 2+. Any spells cast at the Sorcerer are automatically dispelled without affecting the pillar. A dispel will cause the pillar to sink back into the ground.

Remains in play.

Pit of SlimePower: 2Range: 12"

May be cast at an enemy model within 12". A pit of disgusting slime opens up beneath the target's feet. Roll a D6 - if the target rolls less than his Strength he escapes the pit and it is dispelled. If he fails, he is trapped in it. While trapped, a victim may do nothing at all. The victim may attempt to escape at the start of each subsequent magic phase - roll less than his Strength on a D6 to struggle free. If he rolls more he is slain. If he rolls equal to his S he is still stuck.

Remains in play.

Plague WindPower: 3Range: 24"

May be cast at any enemy unit within 24" of the caster. The Plague Wind inflicts 3D6 hits minus the target's T. Each hit causes a wound on 4+. No armour saves allowed. For every 3 wounds inflicted a Plaguebearer is created, forming a new unit within 3" of the target unit.

Rancid VisitationPower: 2Range: 18"

May be cast at a unit up to 18" away, causing 2D6 S4 hits. No armour saves allowed.

May be cast on a single model in base contact. The Chaos player rolls 2D6, his opponent rolls 1D6. If the Chaos player's score is greater then the difference is the number of wounds suffered by the victim. Only magic armour may save.

May be cast on any enemy model in hand-to-hand combat with the Sorcerer. The victim and all models within 3" are afflicted by a foul stench, and lose -1 Attack. Champions, Sorcerers and Daemons of Nurgle are unaffected.

Remains in play.

Place Stream of Corruption template so the pointed end is touching the Sorcerer and the broad end covers the target. All models under the template must roll equal to or less than their I on a D6 or be killed outright (6 always kills). Targets with T7 or more take D6 wounds instead. Only magic armour may save.