Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Dark Magic
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Dark Magic is extremely dangerous and Dark Magic spells are mostly designed to inflict damage upon the foe.

If your army's wizards have at least one Dark Magic spell, after the magic cards have been dealt you may discard however many special cards you wish, and draw that many replacement cards from the magic.

Arnizipal's Black HorrorPower: 3Range: 4D6"

The wizard summons a corrosive cloud of darkness - use the special template to indicate its path. The Horror moves 4D6" immediately, and continues to move 4D6" in the same direction at the start of each subsequent magic phase. All models touched by the template are killed unless they can roll under their S on a D6. Any unit that suffers casualties must take an immediate Panic test.

Remains in play.

Blade WindPower: 2Range: 24"

The Blade Wind hits the first model or unit in its path, up to 24" distant. It causes 3D6 hits minus the target's WS. Each hit causes 1 wound on Do roll of 4+. Normal armour saves apply.

The wizard may make a single hand-to-hand attack on one opponent in base contact. If the attack hits it causes D3 wounds. Only magic armour may save.

Death SpasmPower: 2Range: 18"

A bolt of pure Dark Magic hits the first model in its path, up to 18" away. Roll 1D6. If the score exceed's the target's Toughness it dies, no saves allowed. The dying model inflicts a single hit at its own Strength on any models in base contact with it.

DoomboltPower: 2Range: 18"

A bolt of black fire hits the first model in its path, up to 18" away. The target suffers D6 $5 hits. Chariots, war machines and buildings suffer D6 S10 hits.

Malediction of NagashPower: 3Range: 36"

The spell can be cast at any single model or unit within 36". The target cannot move or shoot. If it fights in close combat, it suffers -2 penalty to WS and I. At the start of each subsequent magic phase the target suffers D3 wounds.

Remains in play.

Roll a D6. On a roll of 2-6 the wizard may immediately draw 3 extra magic cards which he may use in this magic phase. On a roll of 1 he is drawn into the Realm of Chaos and killed.

Soul DrainPower: 3Range: 24"

Place the Soul Drain template anywhere on the battlefield within 24" of the wizard. Each model more than half covered by the template suffers a S4 hit. For every 2 wounds inflicted the wizard gains 1 wound (this may take the wizard's wounds above his starting level). Only magic armour may save.

The wizard may turn himself into a Chimera, a Manticore, a Hydra or a Wyvern. While transformed, the wizard may not cast any spells, but may use dispels normally. Wounds are carried over between transformations.

*Remains in play

Witch FlightPower: 1

The caster may transport himself anywhere on the battlefield. He may move straight into close combat, in which case he counts as charging in the first round of fighting.