Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Necromantic Spells
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Note that the three new Dark Magic cards Death Spasm, Dark Hand of Destruction, and Power of Chaos (which first appeared in Warhammer Armies - Undead) replace the original three 'Necromantic' Dark Magic cards (Raise the Dead, Vanhel's Danse Macabre and Hand of Dust) that came in Warhammer Battle Magic. These three spells now form part of the Necromantic Magic deck. We recommend you discard the three original cards (identifiable by having 'Dark Magic Spell' on the reverse) and use the three new updated versions included in Arcane Magic. This is particularly important for Raise the Dead, as the new version differs from the old.

Drain Life (Necromantic)Power: 2Range: 2D6"

Any living model within 2D6" takes an S3 hit (no armour save allowed). Wounds inflicted in this way may be used by the wizard to restore any that he has lost during the game.

Gaze of NagashPower: 2Range: 18"

Bolts of Dark Magic strike the first unit or model in their path, causing 2D6 S4 hits, no armour save allowed.

Hand of DustPower: 2

The wizard may attack a single hand-to-hand combat opponent. Both players roll a D6 and add their model's Strength. The wizard then doubles his total. For each point the wizard wins by, he inflicts 1 wound on the victim. A victim killed by this spell is turned into a Wight under the control of the caster (enemy wizards are turned into Wraiths).

Raise The DeadPower: 2Range: 24"

2D6 Skeletons or Zombies are created from the bodies of the fallen. The new models can be added to existing units of the same type within 18", or may form a new unit if at least five models have been raised.

Summon SkeletonsPower: 1Range: 18"

D6 Skeletons or Zombies are created from the bodies of the fallen. The new models can be added to existing units of the same type within 18", or may form a new unit if at least five models have been raised.

Summon Undead HordePower: 3Range: 36"

3D6 Skeletons or Zombies are created from the bodies of the fallen. The new models can be added to existing units of the same type within 36", or may form a new unit if at least five models have been raised.

The Curse of YearsPower: 3Range: 24"

The spell may be cast at any enemy model or unit within range. Roll a dice for each affected model at the end of this and every subsequent magic phase. In the first magic phase a victim dies on a roll of 5+ on a D6; in the next magic phase they die on a roll of 4+, and so on.

Remains in play.

When the wizard casts this spell, he may move 24" in each of his movement phases. He may move through solid objects and buildings, but not living creatures. He may not attack, but may cast spells. The caster may only be harmed by magic weapons and spells.

Remains in play.

Vanhel's Danse MacabrePower: 1Range: 36"

This spell can be used on a regiment of Skeletons, Zombies, Mummies, Wights, Wraiths or Skeleton Horsemen. During the magic phase, the regiment may take one of the following actions: charge, move, march move, fight a round of close combat, or shoot with missile weapons.

Place the Purple Sun of Xereus template touching any table edge, with the arrow indicating its direction of travel. The wind moves 2D10" immediately, and 2D10" in the same direction at the start of each subsequent magic phase. All living models touched by the wind suffer Do wounds on a D6 roll of 4 or more. No armour saves apply.

Remains in play.