Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Light Magic
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Light Magic spells are highly powerful and destructive, and are useful for attacking or entrapping the enemy.

Abulla's SnarePower: 2Range: 3D6"

A magical snare wraps itself round a single model within 3D6", and brings him to the caster. The victim may do nothing once ensnared. This spell does not remain in play and may be recast. A snared victim may be freed by a dispel, but may do nothing until the end of his following turn.

CrevassePower: 3Range: 24"

A huge crevasse opens up within 24" of the wizard. Use the special template to represent the area affected. Anything more than half under the template must roll equal to or less than their I on 1D6 to leap aside. Models that fail fall to their doom. War machines/chariots etc automatically tumble in, though their crew may attempt to leap out. Buildings at least half under the template collapse on 4+.

Deathly ShardsPower: 2Range: 18"

Shards of energy fly from the caster and attack the first model or unit in their path, causing 2D6 S4 hits.

Light of BattlePower: 2Range: 3"

May be cast on the wizard himself or any model within 3". The target immediately moves 2D6" in a straight line in a direction nominated by the caster. Any model in its path takes a $10 hit. Once the model has moved roll a D6. On a 1 the affected model is destroyed. On 2-5 the model remains energised. On a 6 the spell is ended and the target returns to normal. While the target is energised it may do nothing but move 2D6" in a random direction in the movement phase. Roll after each time it moves, as above.

Remains in play.

The wizard automatically strikes all enemy models in base contact unless they can roll equal to or under their I on a D6. Affected models may do nothing while they endure an accelerated cycle of life and death. A victim may be restored to normal by a dispel. The Mace cannot affect a model protected by magic armour or a protective spell. No other armour will save.

Net of AmyntokPower: 2Range: 12'

A magic net wraps itself round a single model or unit within 12". The target may do nothing while the spell lasts.

Remains in play.

A magic cloak springs up around the wizard. Any hit scored by a shooting attack is deflected harmlessly. Any close combat blow requires a 6 to hit.

Remains in play.

A magic talon attacks a model within 6" of the caster. Measure the range and roll a D6. If the score is less than or equal to the range the Claw strikes for D6 S5 hits. If the target is in base contact with the caster, it sustains D6 S5 hits immediately.

The Dwellers BelowPower: 3Range: 24"

Must be cast at a unit of at least 5 models. Every model must attempt to roll its S or less on a D6 or be dragged under the earth and imprisoned. Mounted models may re-roll if they fail to escape the first time. A dispel will not free the imprisoned models.

The Hands of KarkoraPower: 2Range: 24"

May be cast at any unit or model within 24". To escape, the target must roll equal to or less than their M on 2D6 or be held fast. If affected, the victim may not move, and always counts as having a lower WS than its opponent in hand-to-hand combat. If shooting, the victim needs a 6 to hit. If forced to flee, the victim is destroyed.

Remains in play.