Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Skaven (Spells)
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Note that there are thirteen cards in the Skaven magic deck, rather than the usual ten.

Cracks CallPower: 2Range: 18"

A crack in the ground, starting at the caster, runs for 18" in a straight line. Any models in its path must roll equal to or less than their Initiative to leap out of the way (6 always fails). If they fail they fall into the crevasse never to be seen again. War engines, chariots, etc must roll 5 or 6 or be destroyed. Buildings affected suffer D6 damage points.

Curse of the Horned OnePower: 3Range: 12"

The Grey Seer selects a single enemy model or unit to be attacked. The Skaven player rolls 2D6 for each victim; the opposing player rolls 1D6 and adds the victim's Toughness. If the Skaven player scores highest the victim is transformed into a Skaven under the control of the Skaven player.

Grey Seers only.

Death FrenzyPower: 3Range: 6"

The Grey Seer wafts warpstone gas over a single model or unit within 6". The target moves at double rate, and has double attacks. It must charge into hand-to-hand combat as soon as possible, and must always pursue. In each subsequent magic phase the subject/s suffers D6 wounds from over exertion.

Grey Seers only. Remains in play.

MadnessPower: 2Range: 24"

Can be cast on a single enemy model in range. Both players roll a D6. If the Skaven player scores higher he can control the model next turn (If he takes control of a wizard, he may not cast spells). If the roll is equal or lower the spell fails. In each subsequent magic phase roll again to see if the Skaven player can control the model next turn.

Grey Seers only. Remains in play.

The Skaven wizard exhales a foul, black vapour. Use the cone-shaped template to represent the area affected. Any models touched by the template suffer 1 wound on a roll of 4+. Only magic armour may save.

PlaguePower: 3Range: 18"

May be cast on a single model within 18". The target suffers 2D6 minus its Toughness number of wounds. If the victim dies, the plague can move on to the nearest model within 4". This process continues until a victim survives, or there are no more potential victims within 4".

Poison WindPower: 3Range: 24"

May be cast at an enemy unit. Place the Poison Wind template to represent the area covered by the Poison Cloud. Roll a D6 for every model more than half under the template. On a 5 or 6 they suffer D6 wounds. No armour saves allowed.

PutrefyPower: 1Range: 24"

May only be cast against an enemy unit engaged in hand-to-hand combat. The unit must take an immediate Break test. Even if they pass the test they suffer -1 to hit in their next hand-to-hand combat round.

SkitterleapPower: 1Range: 3"

The spell may be used on the caster himself, or a single model within 3". The target disappears and may reappear anywhere on the battlefield. The model may move directly into hand-to-hand combat if desired, and will count as charging on the first round.

ScorchPower: 1Range: 24"

The Skaven wizard selects a unit or area of terrain within 24". Flames suddenly consume the area. If the target is a unit, roll a D6 for each model: on a 6 it suffers 1 wound (saves apply normally). If the target is a flammable piece of terrain it will catch fire on 3+. Units can't enter burning terrain, and any models in burning terrain suffer a wound at the end of their movement phase. Roll for every fire at the start of the Skaven turn: 1-2 fire goes out; 3-4 fire continues; 5-6 fire will spread to another piece of flammable terrain within 6".

VermintidePower: 2Range: 3D6"

The Skaven Sorcerer summons a heaving mass of rodents and vermin. Use the special template to represent them. It starts in contact with the Sorcerer, and moves off 3D6" in a straight line immediately. In each subsequent magic phase the template moves another 3D6" in the same direction. Any model touched by the template suffers a S3 hit with a -1 saving throw. Vermintide is unaffected by weapons or magic.

Remains in play.

Warp LightningPower: 2Range: 24"

A warp lightning bolt strikes any unit in sight up to 24" away. The target suffers D6 S5 hits, each causing 1 wound. No saves allowed.

WitherPower: 1

The Skaven inflicts D6 S6 hits upon enemy models in base contact. Only magic armour may save.