Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Magic Weapons (Summary)
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Magic weapons are generally described as swords or axes, but it would be rather petty minded to restrict items purely to models so armed. While you may wish to convert a favourite model so that its weapon matches your preferred magic armament, it is also acceptable to simply assume that a blade can be an axe, mace or whatever and vice versa. A few magic weapons are of specific type - notably lances and flails - and obviously you can't represent these with anything else. Remember that the normal bonuses for double-handed weapons, spears, etc don't usually apply to magic weapons. Any exceptions are noted on the card and below.

Many weapons cause multiple wounds. Usually this is expressed as each unsaved wound = D6 wounds' or whatever. The procedure for this is always the same. First roll to hit as normal. If you hit roll to wound as normal. If you score a wound your enemy makes any save he is allowed. If he fails his save then you can roll to multiply up the wounds (D3, Do or whatever). Never, ever, multiply the wounds and attempt saves for each... not even if we forgot to write the word 'unsaved' in the original description! Note, however, that some weapons cause multiple hits (Hydra Sword). In this case roll to hit as normal. If you hit roll to multiply up the hits, then resolve each hit exactly as normal, saving against each wound scored.

Sword of Defiance(Magic Weapon)150 points

+3 Toughness.

Fellblade(Magic Weapon)135 points

Bearer S10. Unsaved wounds inflict D6 wounds. Roll D6 at end of turn: on 6 bearer suffers 1 wound, no save possible.

Skaven only.

Axe of Grimnir(Magic Weapon)125 points

Any hit wounds on 2+ (unmodified). Only magic armour may save, -3 modifier. Each unsaved wound = D3 wounds (Ogres and Trolls = D6 wounds).

Dwarf King only.

Black Axe of Krell(Magic Weapon)125 points

Double-handed weapon. No save allowed, even for magic armour. Victims that suffer 1 or more wounds roll D6 at start of each magic phase. On 1 or 2 they take 1 extra wound.

Undead or Chaos only.

Daemon Slayer(Magic Weapon)125 points

+3S when rolling to wound. Each unsaved wound = D3 wounds. Against daemons hits wound automatically and inflict D3 wounds per hit.

Dragon Slayer(Magic Weapon)125 points

+3S when rolling to wound. Each unsaved wound = D3 wounds. When used against dragons hits wound automatically and inflict D3 wounds per hit. Dragons who wish to charge bearer must test for fear.

Gotrek's Axe(Magic Weapon)125 points

Hits wound on 2+ (unmodified). Only magic armour saves (-3 modifier). Each unsaved wound = D3 wounds (Dragons and Daemons = D6 wounds).

Dwarf Slayers only.

Hellfire Sword(Magic Weapon)125 points

If wound is scored, target model bursts into flames and is slain. All models, except bearer, in base contact with victim suffer 1S3 hit.

Morgor The Mangler(Magic Weapon)125 points

Bearer +1WS, +1T, +1S. Always strikes first. Only magic armour saves against the axe.

Orcs, Savage Orcs & Black Orcs only.

Sunfang - Runesword of Tyrion(Magic Weapon)125 points

Roll to wound at +3S. Each unsaved wound = D3 wounds. Against Daemons, Sunfang wounds automatically and each wound causes D3 wounds. Once per game Tyrion may cast firebolt. Use Dragon Breath template. Every model affected hit on 4+ for 1 S3 hit.

Tyrion only.

The Blade of Couronne(Magic Weapon)100 points

At the end of each Bretonnian movement phase, any Undead creature within 3" of the Blade suffers 1 wound. Character and any unit he is leading are immune to fear and terror caused by Undead.

Bretonnia only.

Death Sword(Magic Weapon)100 points

Bearer S10.

Fearfrost(Magic Weapon)100 points

If 1 unsaved wound caused, the victim automatically suffers a further D6 wounds. Only magic armour may save.

Tzarina of Kislev only.

Frost Blade(Magic Weapon)100 points

Hits that inflict an unsaved wound kill instantly. Only magic armour may save.

The Hammer of Sigmar(Magic Weapon)100 points

Hits wound automatically. Only magic armour may save.

Empire only.

Sword of Destruction(Magic Weapon)100 points

No magic items carried by models in base contact with bearer will work. For each unsaved wound inflicted by the sword, one magic item carried by the victim will be destroyed. The wielder may carry no other magic items.

Sword of Teclis(Magic Weapon)100 points

All hits wound automatically. Once per battle, during hand-to-hand combat, the bearer can unleash a storm of lightning that causes an extra Do S6 hits on the enemy unit.

Sword of Unyielding(Magic Weapon)100 points

Bearer +2 Toughness.

Giant Blade(Magic Weapon)80 points

Bearer +3 Strength.

Blade of Darting Steel(Magic Weapon)75 points

Hits automatically.

Blade of Leaping Gold(Magic Weapon)75 points

Bearer gains +3 Attacks.

Blessed Sword(Magic Weapon)75 points

Bearer Weapon Skill 10.

May not be used by Orcs or Goblins.

Chaos Tomb Blade(Magic Weapon)75 points

For each wound inflicted on a living creature, the wielder may take magic card to use in the next magic phase.

Chaos or Undead only.

Destroyer(Magic Weapon)75 points

If sword hits enemy carrying magic items or who can cast spells, wi steal their power on D6 roll of 4+. Bearer may use magic item/spe until sword steals another. Spells may only be used if the wielder himself a wizard.

Dark Elves only.

Spells may be still be stolen by non-wizard characters, even if they themselves cannot make use of them.

Hydra Sword(Magic Weapon)75 points

Each attack that hits = D6 hits - resolve each hit separately. Roll to wound for each.

Obsidian Blade(Magic Weapon)75 points

If wound is scored, victim gets no armour save, and blow destroys his armour. Magic armour saves as normal, but will be destroyed if it fails.

Black Hammer of Hashut(Magic Weapon)70 points

Wielder +2S. No armour saves allowed. Targets that are vulnerable to fire are automatically destroyed if they sustain any wounds.

Chaos Dwarfs only.

Venom Sword(Magic Weapon)70 points

Each unsaved wound = D6 wounds.

Wielder +1 WS, +1S and +1 Attacks.

Undead or Chaos only.

Chaos Daemon Sword(Magic Weapon)60 points

Any unsaved wound = D6 wounds. If you roll a 1 when determining the number of wounds, the wound is inflicted back on the wielder! Only magic armour saves. No saves may be made for the rebounded wound, not even for magic armour.

Chaos only.

Star Lance(Magic Weapon)60 points

+3S bonus when wielder charges. No armour saves apply.

Sword of Heroes(Magic Weapon)60 points

Bearer fighting opponent with T5 or greater rolls to wound with +3S, and each wounding hit inflicts D3 wounds.

Axe of Grom(Magic Weapon)50 points

Each wound inflicted = 2 wounds. No armour save allowed, except for magic armour.

Orcs & Goblins only.

Blade of Leaping Bronze(Magic Weapon)50 points

Bearer +2 Attacks.

Bow of Loren(Magic Weapon)50 points

The Bow of Loren has a 36" range, and may be fired in the shooting phase. It fires a number of shots equal to the user's A, at his S. All the shots fired in each shooting phase must be directed at the same target.

High Elves and Wood Elves only.

Dark Mace of Death(Magic Weapon)50 points

Bearer may release energy blast that affects all models he is touching. Affected models take D3 wounds, no armour saving throw allowed.

One use only.

Dragon Blade(Magic Weapon)50 points

Each hit = 2 hits. Roll to wound for each.

Dwarf-Gouger(Magic Weapon)50 points

Wounds have -3 save modifier. Each unsaved wound = 2 wounds. Always wounds Dwarfs on 2+.

Skaven only.

Fangsword of Eltharion(Magic Weapon)50 points

Wounds have -3 save modifier. Automatically stops 1 enemy attack.

Eltharion only.

Gromril Blade(Magic Weapon)50 points

Only magic armour may save.

May not be used by Orcs or Goblins.

Heart Seeker(Magic Weapon)50 points

Bearer may re-roll any of his attacks that miss in hand-to-hand combat.

Skabskrath(Magic Weapon)50 points

Bearer causes terror, and is immune to fear and terror himself.

Undead only.

Sword of Change(Magic Weapon)50 points

When the sword inflicts 1 or more unsaved wounds upon an enemy, but does not kill him outright, roll a D6. Add +1 to the score for each additional wound inflicted after the first. On a score of 5 or more the victim is turned to Chaos Spawn, and is dealt D6 Chaos Gifts (see rules in Warhammer Armies - Chaos). Move the Spawn 2D6" directly away from the sword bearer.

Chaos only.

Sword of Fortitude(Magic Weapon)50 points

Bearer and unit he is with immune to fear, terror and panic.

Sword of Justice(Magic Weapon)50 points

When bearer rolls to hit, he may re-roll once any dice that miss. Only magic armour can save.

Empire only.

Sword of Resilience(Magic Weapon)50 points

Bearer +1 Toughness.

The Tomb Blade of Arkhan(Magic Weapon)50 points

When model with 1 wound is killed by this blade replace it with a Skeleton warrior under the command of the bearer.

Necromancer, Vampire or Liche only.

Weeping Blade(Magic Weapon)50 points

Bearer +1 to wound, -1 opponent's armour saving throw. Each unsaved wound = D3 wounds.

Skaven only.

Chaos Runeblade(Magic Weapon)45 points

Each unsaved wound = 1D3 wounds. Only magic armour may save.

Chaos only.

Dragon Bow(Magic Weapon)40 points

The Dragon Bow has a range of 36", at S5. It may be fired up to three times in the shooting phase, but all shots must be against the same target.

Empire Elector Count only.

Dragonblade Lance(Magic Weapon)40 points

User +2S when charging, and hits automatically. When he charges, the user may elect to make one special Dragonblade attack in place of his normal attacks, hitting automatically. If the model is slain, the lance hits the model directly behind it in the second rank, at 1 less S than before. If this model is slain, then a model in the third rank will be hit, at a further 1 less S, and so on.

High Elves only.

Ogre Blade(Magic Weapon)40 points

Bearer +2 Strength.

Tormentor Sword(Magic Weapon)40 points

Foe wounded by the sword becomes subject to stupidity. A wizard affected by stupidity must roll a D6 each time he casts a spell. On a roll of 1-3 the spell fails, and the power is wasted.

Bone Blade(Magic Weapon)35 points

Unsaved wounds inflict D3 wounds.

Mortis The Great Blade of Death(Magic Weapon)35 points

Nagash +1 Strength. Wounds inflicted by the blade may be used to restore Nagash's own wounds.

Nagash only.

Shrieking Blade(Magic Weapon)35 points

Bearer causes fear (and is immune to fear himself).

Warrior Bane(Magic Weapon)35 points

Each wound suffered reduces victim's attacks by -1.

Blade of Sea Gold(Magic Weapon)30 points

Bearer causes wounds with an extra -3 saving throw modifier.

Flail of Skulls(Magic Weapon)30 points

Against living creatures, each unsaved wound causes 2 wounds.

*Although worded slightly differently from other magic weapons that cause multiple wounds the Flail of Skulls works in exactly the same way - each unsaved wound inflicted on living opponents causes 2 wounds. Note that the normal flail rules also apply - the flail requires two hands to use and receives a +2 Strength bonus in the first turn of any hand-to-hand combat.

Relic Sword(Magic Weapon)30 points

Bearer +1 Weapon Skill.

Runefang(Magic Weapon)30 points

Wounds inflicted cannot be saved against, even by magic armour. Undead struck and wounded suffer not 1 but 2 wounds.

Empire only.

Sky Arrow of Naloer(Magic Weapon)30 points

May be shot from the ground at any creature flying high. Shooter may add +1 to hit. Arrow inflicts D6 S10 hits.

One use only.

Banisher Sword(Magic Weapon)25 points

Each unsaved wounding hit inflicts D3 wounds against Undead. Only magic armour saves.

Blade of Leaping Copper(Magic Weapon)25 points

Bearer +1 Attacks.

Blood Drinker(Magic Weapon)25 points

For each unsaved wound suffered a victim deducts -1 from his Strength for the rest of the game.

Hail of Doom Arrow(Magic Weapon)25 points

When fired, arrow splits into 3D6 magic arrows in flight. The arrows count as magical, and are S4. Roll to hit using the firer's BS.

Wood Elves only. One use only.

Rending Sword(Magic Weapon)25 points

Any unsaved wound counts as 2 wounds.

Soul Blade(Magic Weapon)25 points

For each unsaved wound suffered the victim deducts -1 from his Toughness for the rest of the game.

Chaos only.

Sword of Swift Slaying(Magic Weapon)25 points

Wielder may strike first in hand-to-hand combat.

Blade of Ensorcelled Iron(Magic Weapon)20 points

Bearer adds +1 to hit in close combat.

Blade of Slicing(Magic Weapon)20 points

Bearer causes wounds with an extra -2 saving throw modifier in close combat.

Gold Sigil Sword(Magic Weapon)20 points

Bearer Initiative 10.

Parrying Blade(Magic Weapon)20 points

One enemy has 1 less attack against the wielder.

Sword of Might(Magic Weapon)20 points

Bearer +1 Strength.

Dark Sword(Magic Weapon)15 points

For each unsaved wound suffered the victim deducts -1 from his WS and BS for the rest of the game.

Chaos or Dark Elves only.

Silver Sigil Sword(Magic Weapon)15 points

Bearer +3 Initiative.

Berserker Sword(Magic Weapon)10 points

Bearer immune to psychology. He must move as fast as he can towards the enemy, and charge into combat at the first opportunity. He will always pursue fleeing opponents.

Biting Blade(Magic Weapon)10 points

Bearer causes wounds with an extra -1 saving throw modifier.

Bronze Sigil Sword(Magic Weapon)10 points

Bearer +2 Initiative.

Languisher Sword(Magic Weapon)10 points

For each unsaved wound suffered the victim deducts -1 from his Initiative for the rest of the game.

Sword of Bork(Magic Weapon)10 points

Unit with bearer ignores its first Animosity test failure.

Orcs and Savage Orcs only.

Copper Sigil Sword(Magic Weapon)5 points

Bearer +1 Initiative.