Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Magic Items
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This section is a combination of the relevant sections from the Warhammer Battle Magic and Warhammer Arcane Magic supplements.

The Warhammer Battle Magic game includes a number of magic item cards. Each card represents a magic item of one kind or another, some represent swords, others armour, and many are unique.

There are three types of magic item card:

  • Magic Item
    Most cards have 'Magic Item' written on them twice. These represent the bulk of magic items whether they are weapons, armour, or whatever.

  • Spell
    Some cards have 'Magic Item' and 'Spell' written on them. These are items which permit the user to cast a spell. These cards function in a similar way to spell cards as described later.

  • Standard
    Standard cards have 'Magic Item' and 'Standard' or in a few cases 'Magic Item' and 'Spell Standard' written on them. These cards represent magic standards which may be carried by standard bearers. These are also described later.

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