Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Wizards Only!
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The following items may only be used by wizards of one sort or another. In some cases special characters may also be entitled to use specific items, even though they may not be wizards.

War Crown of Saphery(Wizard Arcana)125 points

Bearer gains 1 magic level and can draw 1 extra spell card.

High Elf Mage only.

Book of Nagash(Wizard Arcana)100 points

Bearer gains 1 magic level and can draw 1 extra spell card, which must be taken from the Necromantic magic deck.

Necromancers only.

Staff of Nurgle(Wizard Arcana)100 points

In the magic phase, may be used to destroy enemy model within 12" of user automatically. Staff exhausted on D6 roll of 1 or 2.

Chaos - Sorcerer of Nurgle only.

Talon of Death(Wizard Arcana)100 points

Models in contact with user suffer 1 automatic wound at the beginning of every hand-to-hand combat phase. Does not affect Undead models.

Necromancer, Liche or Vampire only.

Staff of Volans(Wizard Arcana)75 points

The bearer can use the Staff to make a spell unbreakable (ie, it can't be dispelled, rebounded or destroyed). Magic cards must be paid to power the spell as normal. Roll a Do each time the staff is used - on a 1 or 2 its power is exhausted.

Empire Supreme Patriarch only.

Note that in the case of a spell which remains in play, it may be dispelled normally in subsequent magic phases.

Sword of Unholy Power(Wizard Arcana)75 points

Wielder may cast one of their Dark Magic or Necromantic Magic spells in the magic phase, at no cost. Roll a D6 each time sword is used. If score is equal to or less than power normally required to cast spell, sword is exhausted for rest of battle.

Wizards with Dark or Necromantic spells only.

Book of Ashur(Wizard Arcana)50 points

Bearer gains 1 magic level and can draw 1 extra spell card. He may swap spells before the game, and may take spells from any race's deck.

The Book of Ashur may not be used in combination with the War Crown of Saphery or the Book of Nagash.

Note that this item has a special rule designed for campaign play. In normal play this works as follows. Test at the end of each game to determine if the character is affected. If he is, then the character (together with any mount/chariot he rides) counts as slain for purposes of victory points. In addition, you may not use the magic item thereafter when you play the same opponent. The item can be reintroduced, but only if your opponent agrees.

Chaos Familiar(Wizard Arcana)50 points

The Sorcerer is accompanied by a tiny Chaos Familiar. As long as the Familiar is in base contact with its master he may add 1 to, or subtract 1 from, any one dice roll each turn. The player must declare he is doing this before he does so. Note that only Chaos Sorcerers may have Chaos Familiars.

Chaos Sorcerers only.

Cloak of Mists And Shadows(Wizard Arcana)50 points

Wearer can cast Dark Mist spell once per magic phase.

Destroy Magic Scroll(Wizard Arcana)50 points

May be used to counter enemy spell cast at user or unit he is with. In addition, both players roll a D6. If the Scroll's user rolls higher the enemy's spell card is discarded for the rest of the game.

One use only.

Skaven Warpscroll(Wizard Arcana)50 points

May be cast on an enemy unit within 24" in the magic phase for a S3 hit on each model. Causes Panic test.

Skaven only. One use only.

Spell Familiar(Wizard Arcana)50 points

The wizard may draw 1 extra spell at the start of the battle, which he may use as long as the Familiar is in base contact with him. For stats see card.

Staff of Damnation(Wizard Arcana)50 points

In the magic phase, every unit of Skeletons, Zombies, Mummies, Wights, Wraiths and Skeleton Horsemen within 36" of the caster may take one of the following extra actions: charge, march move, fight round of hand-to-hand combat, shoot missile weapons. Several units can be affected. Staff exhausted on a D6 roll of 1 or 2.

Necromancer, Liche or Vampire only.

Staff of Flaming Death(Wizard Arcana)50 points

Casts Flaming Skull spell once per magic phase. Range 24", strikes first model/unit in its path for D3 S4 hits. Unit that takes 1 or more casualties must take Panic test or flee.

Staff of Lightning(Wizard Arcana)50 points

The staff fires a lightning bolt at the first enemy model in its path within 24". The victim sustains 3 S6 hits, no saving throw allowed, even for magic armour. After each use, roll a D6: staff is exhausted on 1 or 2.

Orcs & Goblin Shamans only.

Staff of Osiris(Wizard Arcana)50 points

Releases bolt of energy once per magic phase. The bolt flies 18" in a straight line from the caster. The first model in its path takes 1 S6 hit for D3 wounds, no save allowed, even for magic armour. If the first victim is killed, the bolt strikes the next model in its path (like a bolt thrower). It will continue to do this until it fails to kill a target, or reaches the end of its range. Roll a D6 each time the Staff is used: it is exhausted on a 1 or 2.

Wizards & Settra only.

This item is carried by Settra the Tomb King of Khemri as described in the Warhammer Armies Undead book. Settra is an exception to the general rules in that although he is a Mummy, he is permitted to carry magic items as if he were a Necromancer, Liche or Vampire.

Wand of Jet(Wizard Arcana)50 points

Reduces cost of casting spell by 1 power point. Spells of 1 power point can be cast for free. Wand exhausted on a D6 roll of 1 or 2.

Warpstorm Scroll(Wizard Arcana)50 points

All creatures 'flying high' suffer D6 S6 hits, and are forced down to earth, re-entering the table on their own side's table edge in their following turn.

One use only. Skaven wizards only.

Note that in this case flyers are merely forced down to the ground, they are not 'driven off" in the manner of flyers defeated in hand-to-hand fighting. Consequently, the flyers are not obliged to miss an entire turn off the table, as are flyers which have been driven off from combat.

Skull Wand of Kaloth(Wizard Arcana)40 points

Can be used to attack a close combat opponent. On a successful hand-to-hand hit, victim must save against his Ld on 2D6 or be killed. If he passes the test, roll to wound as normal.

Staff of Power(Wizard Arcana)40 points

Stores up to 4 magic cards (but not Total Power or Drain Magic). The staff starts the game already containing 1 magic card.

Nagash only.

Chalice of Chaos(Wizard Arcana)35 points

The bearer may drink from the Chalice at the start of any magic phase. Roll a D6: 1 - Turned to Chaos Spawn; 2-3 - Enemy receives 1 less magic card when they are dealt; 4-5 - The bearer receives 1 extra magic card when they are dealt; 6 - End magic phase if you wish.

Chaos Sorcerer or Beastman Shaman only.

Note that if the bearer is turned to Chaos Spawn he may no longer use the Chalice (see the rules for Chaos Spawn in Warhammer Armies - Chaos).

Chalice of Sorcery(Wizard Arcana)35 points

Entitles user to take 1 extra magic card, after the magic cards have been dealt. If an extra card is taken, roll a D6. On a score of 6 the wizard loses 1 wound.

Golden Eye of Tzeentch(Wizard Arcana)35 points

Enemy models in base contact with Sorcerer must take Ld test (2D6) or be transfixed and unable to fight. While transfixed, enemy attacks hit automatically.

Chaos Sorcerers of Tzeentch only.

Seer Stone(Wizard Arcana)35 points

Each extra power card expended extends spell range by D6".

Skaven wizards only.

Skull of Katam(Wizard Arcana)35 points

The Sorcerer may cast any 2 or 3 point spell for 1 point less. After each use, roll 2D6 against the user's Ld. If you roll equal to or less than his Ld he passes the test but loses -1 Ld. If he rolls more he is driven insane and is removed as a casualty.

Chaos Sorcerer only.

Skull Staff(Wizard Arcana)35 points

Opposing player must reveal magic items/spells held by models that are within 12" of the staff's user. Holder +1 bonus to use dispel.

Power Familiar(Wizard Arcana)30 points

The wizard may store 1 power card in the Familiar at the end of the magic phase, which may then be used in any subsequent magic phase. He may store/withdraw a card only if the Familiar is in base contact. If the Familiar is killed while holding a card it explodes causing a S4 hit on all models in base contact. See card for Familiar's stats.

Wizards only.

Power Scroll(Wizard Arcana)30 points

Will power 1 spell for free during the magic phase.

One use only.

Note that spells that cost a variable amount of power (like Fireball), count as being cast with 3 power by a Power scroll.

Dispel Magic Scroll(Wizard Arcana)25 points

Stops enemy spell working.

One use only.

Rod of Power(Wizard Arcana)25 points

Can store up to 3 unused power cards at end of magic phase. Roll a D6 at the start of the next magic phase. If the roll is equal to or less than the number of stored cards the stored cards are lost.

Storm-Daemon(Wizard Arcana)25 points

As halberd. Can unleash equivalent of Warp Lightning spell in magic phase of each turn, up to 24". Inflicts D6 S5 hits, each causing 1 wound with no save allowed, even for magic armour. After use roll D6: weapon is exhausted on 1 or 2.

Skaven Warlock Engineers only.

Warrior Familiar(Wizard Arcana)25 points

If its master is attacked, the Familiar will interpose itself between him and his attackers, who must then fight the Familiar. Familiars always attack first. For stats see card.

Wizards only.

Moon Staff of Lileath(Wizard Arcana)20 points

Teclis can draw D6 extra magic cards once per game. From the beginning of next turn all his characteristics are halved for the rest of the game.

Teclis only.