Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Special Magic Cards
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Special magic cards represent powerful enchantments that either dispel other spells or act as spells in their own right. Once played, these cards are placed in the magic card discard pile. As a general rule, any magic cards still held in the hand at the end of the magic phase are placed on the discard pile along with all the magic cards used during the magic phase.

However, some special magic cards may be retained in the player's hand from turn to turn and used whenever the player wishes, often during the middle of hand to hand combat or at some other convenient time.

Cards which can be retained are indicated with the description 'Retain in Hand'. After they have been used these special cards are also placed on the discard pile or returned to the deck. Once the magic phase is over all the magic cards are gathered together and shuffled ready for the following turn.