Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

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This section also contains a combination of relevant sections from the Warhammer Battle Magic and Warhammer Arcane Magic supplements.

The Warhammer World is saturated with magic energy which blows through the world like a wind, scattering its power widely over the mountains and forests. The winds of magic cannot be seen by ordinary mortals, but wizards and certain magically inclined creatures can either see or feel the winds as they blow. Sometimes the magic winds blow strongly, and magic things course with energy. At other times a calm descends leaving magic listless and weak.

When the magic winds are at their height the Dwarf Runesmiths forge the mightiest enchanted weapons, nailing the raw magic in place with runes of power to produce blades and axes of incalculable potency. The Elves call upon the winds of magic to strengthen their race and preserve the western realm of Ulthuan from its certain doom. The High Magic of the Elves is the greatest in the world and their spells are the strongest of any living creatures. When the winds of magic howl over graveyards and tombs the dead stir and become restless and necromancers prepare their evil sorceries.

A Warhammer battle is as much about magic as the clash of arms in deadly combat. Of course, you do not have to include magic in your games if you prefer not to, although you will be depriving yourself of a large measure of enjoyment. The complete rules for casting spells are not included in this game because there are so many spells and magic items that there isn't enough space. The complete magic rules, together with spell cards for all the different sorts of wizard (Light, Gold, Jade, Celestial, Grey, Amethyst, Bright, and Amber), High Magic, Dark Magic, Orc Shaman Magic, Skaven Magic, and many new magic items, are included in the separate Warhammer Magic supplement. However, we have included a selection of magic in Warhammer to get you started.

We suggest that you take the magic item cards so that you can look at them while you are reading the following rules.

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