Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

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This card may be kept in the player's hand and played at any time during any turn. The player can use this card to make the wizard vanish, and can even do this where the wizard would otherwise be slain. The wizard's mortally wounded body is transported into the Realm of Chaos, the great world of energy that is the source of all magic. The wizard can survive in the world of energy protected by a life-supporting shell of magic and draw on its power to heal his wounds. The wizard's full number of wounds is restored.

The wizard may return to the battlefield at the start of any subsequent magic phase on the D6 roll of a 5 or 6. When the wizard returns he may be placed anywhere on the table and can cast spells normally in the magic phase. While in the world of energy the wizard can do nothing. He cannot cast spells and the Winds of Magic may be reduced if the number of wizards on the battlefield is insufficient to sustain its full value (see Winds of Magic).