Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Dealing Cards to Other Wizards
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Human wizards are dealt cards as described above. They can only use spells of their own colour and no others. Other wizards differ in some respects as described below.

High Elf Mages

High Elf Mages may use any of the colour spells and the High Magic spells. When the player chooses his spells he declares which card decks he wants and how many cards he wants from each, but he must choose at least one High Magic spell. Spells are dealt randomly from the chosen decks in the same way as for human wizards. As with human wizards, cards may be exchanged for fresh cards, but these must be from the same deck as the rejected spells.

For example, a High Elf Master Mage is permitted three spell cards and he might take one High, one Bright, and one Gold. If he chooses to reject the High and Bright Magic spells, he will receive replacement High and Bright spells in their place.

A High Elf Mage might equally well choose all High Magic spells if he prefers. As a level 1 Mage has only one spell this will always be his obligatory High Magic spell. When dealing spells the High Elf Mage is dealt cards before all other wizards of the same level, but otherwise he is dealt his cards in level order the same way as described for human wizards.

For example, in a game involving a High Elf Mage (level 1), a Jade Wizard (level 1), and a Bright Master Wizard (level 3) the Bright Master Wizard receives his cards first, then the Mage, then the Jade Wizard.

Chaos Sorcerers

A Chaos Sorcerer may choose to receive cards from any one (and one only) of the colour spell decks. Chaos Sorcerers may also use the Dark Magic spells, and the spells of their patron Chaos God. When the player chooses his spells he must declare which decks he wants and how many cards he wants from each. He must choose at least one spell from the Chaos deck of his patron. Cards are dealt randomly from the chosen decks in the same way as for human wizards.

Cards may be exchanged for fresh cards from the same deck. For example, a Master Sorcerer is permitted three spell cards and he might take one Tzeentch, one Dark Magic, and one Gold. He might equally well choose all spells of his patron Chaos God, or any combination so long as he includes at least one of his patron's spells.

A level 1 Sorcerer only has one spell so this will always be the obligatory spell from his patron Chaos God. When dealing cards the Sorcerer has priority over all other wizards of the same level except High Elf Mages, but otherwise he is dealt his cards in level order in the same way as human wizards. For example, in a game involving a Chaos Sorcerer Champion (level 2), a Gold Wizard Champion (level 2), and a High Elf Mage Champion (level 2) the High Elf Mage takes his cards first, then the Chaos Sorcerer, and finally the Gold Wizard.

Beastmen Shamans

Beastmen Shamans may use Dark Magic spells and any of the Chaos spells. Beastmen are unique in that they have no single patron, but can use spells of different Chaos Gods. The player chooses which decks he wants and receives randomly dealt cards as usual. Cards may be exchanged for randomly dealt replacements from the same deck. A Beastman Shaman is not obliged to have any Chaos spells. A Beastman Shaman has the same priority when dealing as a Chaos Sorcerer of the same level.

Dark Elf Sorcerers

Dark Elf Sorcerers use the Dark Magic spells. The Sorcerer is dealt the appropriate number of cards in the same way as a human wizard. Spells may be exchanged for fresh cards from the Dark Magic deck. When dealing cards the Sorcerer has the same priority as a Chaos Sorcerer or Beastman Shaman, but otherwise he is dealt his cards in level order the same way as human wizards. For example, in a game involving a Dark Elf Sorcerer Champion (level 2), an Amber Wizard Champion (level 2), and a High Elf Mage Champion (level 2) the Mage takes his cards first, then the Sorcerer, and finally the Wizard.


Necromancers, Liches, and Vampires may use any one (and one only) of the colour spell decks and any of the Dark Magic Spells. When the player chooses his spells he must declare which decks he wants and how many cards he wants from each. He must choose at least one Dark Magic spell. Spells are dealt randomly in the same way as for human wizards. Cards which are dealt initially may be exchanged for fresh cards from the same deck. In addition certain Dark Magic cards may be further exchanged, allowing the player to tailor his wizard's abilities to some extent.

Some Dark Magic spell cards are marked 'Necromancy'. If an Undead Wizard is dealt a Dark Magic card which is not marked Necromancy, then the card may be exchanged immediately for another randomly dealt Dark Magic card. The player may continue to hand in any cards not marked Necromancy in favour of another. He does not have to take a card unless it is marked Necromancy although he can choose to keep any card he is dealt. As a level 1 Necromancer has only one spell this will always be his obligatory Dark Magic spell.

When dealing cards a Necromancer, Liche or Vampire has the same priority as a Dark Elf or Chaos Sorcerer of the same level. A Liche is counted as level 3 (Master Wizard) and a Vampire as level 2 (Wizard Champion).

Wood Elves

Wood Elves are so tied to their sylvan way of life that their magic has devolved from the High Magic of their High Elf forebears. Wood Elf Mages do not belong to the Colleges of Magic (they learn their magic from their own Mage Lords) but they are restricted in their choice of spells. A Wood Elf Mage (level 1) may receive either an Amber or Jade spell. A Wood Elf Mage Champion (level 2) may receive both Amber and Jade spells. A Wood Elf Master Mage (level 3) may receive Amber spells, Jade spells and spells of any one other colour. A Wood Elf Mage Lord (level 4) may use High Magic spells and/or any colour spells in the same way as a High Elf Mage. Spells may be exchanged in the same way as for human wizards and High Elf Mages. Wood Elf Mages have the same dealing priority as High Elf Mages.

Orcs and Goblins

Orcs and Goblin Shamans are dealt cards from the Waaagh Magic spell deck. Spells may be exchanged for a fresh randomly dealt spell in the same way as human wizards. Cards are dealt to the highest level Shamans first, and, where Shamans are of equal level, to Orcs before Goblins.


Skaven Warlocks and Grey Seers are dealt cards from the Skaven Magic spell deck. Spells may be exchanged for a fresh randomly dealt spell card in the same way as human wizards. Some of the Skaven spell cards are marked 'Grey Seer Only'. These spells can only be used by a Grey Seer and not by a Warlock. If a Warlock is dealt a Grey Seer spell he must hand it back for a randomly dealt replacement.