Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Deal Spell Cards
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Before the armies deploy spells are dealt to all the wizards from both sides. The rules for dealing spell cards vary slightly depending on the type of wizard. The basic method is best exemplified by a human wizard of one of the Colleges of Magic.

A wizard may only use spells of his own College's colour. The player takes the ten cards of the correct colour, shuffles them, and deals himself the appropriate number of cards from the deck. For example, a Jade Wizard Champion is dealt two Jade spells, a Bright Master Wizard receives three Bright spells, and so on.

Once the cards have been dealt the player can examine them. He has the option of handing in any cards in return for a further randomly dealt card from the same deck. For example, our Jade Wizard Champion might decide to hand in one of his two spells in favour of another randomly dealt Jade spell. The reason why we allow this second chance is that some spells are of limited value on their own.

Example of dealing. A Bright Master Wizard receives three randomly dealt Bright spell cards. As fortune would have it he receives Blast, Wings of Fire, and Fire Ball. As Blast and Fire Ball are both similar in effect the player decides to hand over Fire Ball in return for another random card. This time he is dealt Crimson Bands, a very useful spell which the Master Wizard's relatively high level will enable him to fully exploit.

Once the spell cards have been dealt players should keep them secret until they wish to cast a spell. Place the cards face down on the table or a convenient surface out of the way.