Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Magic Banners
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Banner of Arcane Warding(Magic Standard)100 points

Works when hostile spell is cast against any target within 6" of the banner. Roll scatter dice. On a 'hit' the banner has no effect. If an arrow is rolled the spell is deflected 4D6" in the direction indicated, and will hit the first eligible target more than 6" away from the banner.

Battle Banner(Magic Standard)100 points

Adds +D6 to the combat result of the side carrying it.

Banner of Wrath(Magic Standard)75 points

In the magic phase of each turn, the banner unleashes D6 lightning bolts with a range of 24". . Each bolt strikes the first model in its path for 1 S4 hit. Can also be used against foes in base contact with the bearer. No armour save allowed, even against magic armour.

This is a spell and may be used when you have the opportunity to cast a spell in the magic phase, just like any other spell item or spell.

Hell Banner(Magic Standard)75 points

Enemy models within 6" suffer -2 penalty on all Leadership-based tests.

Undead only.

Sacred Standard of the Horned Rat(Magic Standard)75 points

Carrying regiment Ld 10. When enemy spell is cast against unit, roll Do for each power card used. On 4+ the power card is absorbed and may be used that phase by the Skaven wizards.

Skaven only.

Mork's War Banner(Magic Standard)65 points

Spells (friendly and hostile) cast at unit dispelled on 4+. Any wizard/shaman touching unit will be killed by magical overload.

Orcs and Goblins only.

Banner of Arcane Protection(Magic Standard)50 points

Dispels enemy spell cast against unit on D6 roll of 4+. Undead/Daemon models touching a unit carrying this banner suffer 1 wound on D6 roll of 4+ in the magic phase.

Banner of Defiance(Magic Standard)50 points

Unit counts double its normal rank bonus in hand-to-hand combat. Will never pursue.

Banner of Doom(Magic Standard)50 points

Enemy models/units within 6" suffer -1 penalty on Leadership-based tests.

Undead only.

Banner of Might(Magic Standard)50 points

Unit carrying banner adds +1 to hit in hand-to-hand combat.

Banner of Rage(Magic Standard)50 points

Unit carrying banner is subject to frenzy.

Chaos - Khorne only.

This item is restricted to 'Khorne units'. This is defined as any unit of troops led by a Champion of Khorne.

Blasted Standard(Magic Standard)50 points

May be used once per battle, in any magic phase. Spell may be cast at enemy unit within 8", and causes 2D6 S6 hits. Any survivors must take an immediate Panic test.

Chaos - Tzeentch only. One use only.

This is a spell and may be used when you have the opportunity to cast a spell in the magic phase, just like any other spell item or spell.

This item is restricted to 'Teentch units'. This is defined as any unit of troops led by a Champion of Tzeentch.

Dread Banner(Magic Standard)50 points

The unit carrying this banner causes fear (and is therefore immune to fear itself).

Rapturous Standard(Magic Standard)50 points

Slaanesh unit carrying banner is immune to psychology, and cannot be broken.

Chaos - Slaanesh only.

This item is restricted to 'Slaanesh units'. This is defined as any unit of troops led by a Champion of Slaanesh.

Scarecrow Banner(Magic Standard)50 points

Causes terror in flying creatures. Enemy that overcome their terror must test again if they charge the unit. Roll a D6: 1-2 Enemy driven off, 3-4 Charge fails, enemy may not move that turn, 5-6 Flyer charges as normal.

Note that many large flying creatures cause terror, and so do not need to test to overcome their own terror. Because a unit carrying this banner effectively causes terror against flyers it becomes immune to terror inflicted by them.

Bad Moon Banner(Magic Standard)35 points

All shots at unit are at -1 to hit. In hand-to-hand combat, unit always strikes first.

Night Goblins only.

Spider Banner(Magic Standard)35 points

Unit carrying banner (and any associated characters) doubles all attacks during its first turn of hand-to-hand combat of the game.

Forest Goblins only.

Valorous Standard(Magic Standard)35 points

Unit carrying banner may roll an extra D6 when making a psychology test, and may select the lowest 2 dice rolls. Break tests are not affected.

Banner of Courage(Magic Standard)25 points

If it is not otherwise allowed to re-roll a failed Break test, the unit may do so once per turn.

This item functions in the same way as a battle standard for the unit carrying it. However, only one re-roll is allowed, even if the army's battle standard is within 12".

Doomrider Banner(Magic Standard)25 points

A unit of Skeleton Horsemen that includes the Doomrider Banner bearer automatically hits when charging into hand-to-hand combat. Only the Skeleton Horsemen and the standard bearer hit automatically, any characters with the unit must roll to hit as normal.

Undead only.

Note that although many Undead character models are allowed to ride Skeletal Steeds not all will fit satisfactorily on the skeletal frame. For this reason it is perfectly acceptable for the character to ride another horse model but counting as a skeletal steed - these 'undead horses' can be painted black with red eyes, or a ghostly pallid green to indicate their undead status.

Gork's War Banner(Magic Standard)25 points

Unit gains +1S when charging.

Orcs and Goblins only.

Standard of Shielding(Magic Standard)25 points

Unit carrying banner receives +1 on all armour saves, or an armour save of 6+ if they had no armour to begin with.

War Banner(Magic Standard)25 points

Adds +1 to combat result of side carrying it.

Plague Banner(Magic Standard)20 points

May be used once per game, in the magic phase. Spell inflicts D6 wounds on any enemy unit in close combat with the unit carrying the banner, no armour save allowed.

Skaven/Chaos - Nurgle only. One use only.