Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

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The Warhammer rules are extremely flexible, and allow you to fight out battles along underground tunnel complexes, through vast halls and inside caverns. You can enact swordfights within temples and palaces and full scale assaults against mighty fortresses. However, this goes somewhat beyond the scope of this rulebook where we are concerned with tabletop battles over fairly open territory. The following section therefore provides rules for using buildings on the battlefield, either isolated farmsteads, villages, towers and watchposts, or something else along these lines. Of course, if you want to build a whole city to fight over then it's up to you, the rules that follow certainly allow you to do so.

Buildings provide interesting features on the battlefield. Not only do they look attractive, but they are also important from a tactical point of view. Towers may overlook a wide part of the battlefield and provide a excellent vantage point for archers. Any troops deployed inside a building will be hard to winkle out, and so may be able to defend it against far larger numbers of enemy. But a good general knows that it is not always profitable to occupy buildings just because they are there, as it is easy to waste vital time taking a village that the enemy then simply ignores or circumvents. You must weigh the tactical considerations for yourself, and decide whether or not a particular building has any tactical value.

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