Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Special Rules (Buildings)
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Everybody who makes their own model buildings likes to include features which appeal to them: spiral stairways, terraces, balconies, aerial walkways spanning two towers, gatehouses, drawbridges and so on. We can't anticipate every variation of fantasy architecture that you might want to design, but this shouldn't stop you making models as varied and imaginative as you please.

You can always invent your own special rules to incorporate unusual buildings into your games. For example, a winding stairway might take a half turn to climb, or a turn if it is very long. A narrow passage might allow passage for only 4 models per turn, an aerial walkway might reduce movement to half rate with a 1 in 6 chance of falling if you move faster, and so forth. You will find occasional features about making buildings and other terrain in Games Workshop's monthly magazine White Dwarf.