Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

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Spears are useful weapons for both foot and horse, but they are used quite differently for each. A foot unit with spears is able to fend off enemy with a mass of spear points, making it an ideal defensive weapon. A cavalry unit armed with spears can employ them like lances to ride down enemy troops, spitting them as the horsemen ride into their ranks. The following rules reflect the advantages of foot and mounted soldiers equipped with a spear.

  1. Infantry armed with spears may fight with two ranks of troops because warriors in a second rank can thrust their weapons forward past those fighting in front. This enables models directly behind front rank fighters to fight as well. However, this advantage only holds so long as the spearmen do not move. If they charge their careful formation is affected and they may only fight in a single rank that turn. Spearmen fight in two ranks if the enemy charge them while they stand their ground. This means that a block of spearmen makes a very good defensive formation, but is less well suited to attack.

  2. Cavalry armed with a spear receive a +1 strength bonus when they charge. If the wielder's strength is 3, for example, his total strength will be 4 when he charges. Note that this bonus only applies when the cavalryman charges and it only applies for that turn. Any hits at a strength of 4 or more confer the extra modifier on the enemy's saving roll.