Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

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Cavalry armed with lances are the ultimate shock troops. When they smash into the enemy ranks their steel tipped lances rip through armour and flesh, smashing bones and flinging foes to the ground. Lances are only effective as they charge, thereafter the warrior either drops his lance and fights on with a sword, or else he continues to use the butt of the lance to punch at his foe. It is very important that lance-armed cavalry successfully charge the enemy rather than allowing themselves to be charged. The charging side always has an advantage, but in the case of lancers this is greater than for any other troops.

  1. Cavalry armed with lances receive a +2 strength bonus when they charge. If the wielder's strength is 3, for example, his total strength will be 5 when he charges. Note that this bonus only applies when the cavalryman charges and only for that turn. Any hits at a strength of 4 or more confer the extra modifier on the enemy's saving roll.