Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Misfire (Warpfire Thrower)
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If a misfire is rolled on the Artillery dice the warpfire thrower has suffered a dangerous mishap. Roll a D6 and consult the table below to find out what has happened.

Warpfire Misfire Chart




The warpfire thrower's nozzle blocks and squirts burning fuel over its crew. Work out the effect as if the crew had been hit by their own warpfire thrower.


The fuel barrels catch fire! The model carrying the barrels runs helplessly 2D6" in a random direction before the barrels explode. The barrels explode with the same effect as a warpfire hit. Place the template over the running Skaven and work out damage as normal.


Kaboom! The warpfire thrower crew disappears in a lurid mushroom cloud of flame. Any models within 3" are hit by warpflame. Work out damage as if they had been struck by the warpfire thrower.