Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

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An army marches under its banners but it does so to the beat of drums and the call of blaring horns. A unit may include a musician model to accompany it into battle, either a horn blower or a drummer. Like standard bearers, musicians fight just like an ordinary member of their unit.
Also as with standard bearers, the player will not wish to remove musicians as casualties unless there are no ordinary warriors left fighting. Unlike standard bearers, however, musicians are not removed automatically when a unit breaks and flees. Their instruments are somewhat lighter and less cumbersome than a weighty standard. Musicians cannot be captured as trophies.

A musician model is placed in the middle of the front rank of the unit, next to the unit's leader and standard bearer. His effect on the fighting ability of the unit is not as great as a standard bearer but is useful none-the-less. A unit which has a musician can attempt a special manoeuvre called the reform. The hornblower sounds his horn, or the drummer beats his drum, and the unit recognises the signal to reform.