Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Standards & Musicians
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Many warriors carry a banner to war. The regiments of the Empire march march under flags bearing the arms of their Electors and their Emperor. Bretonnians go to war before the glittering heraldic banners of their Lords and King. Orcs wave banners covered in glyphs proclaiming the might and power of their chieftains. The forces of Chaos fight beneath standards covered in dark runes and the emblems of the Chaos Gods.

Whatever the army, its standards are the focal point of each unit, they proclaim the unit's identity and defy their enemies by their presence. Standards also have a practical value: they are used to signal to the troops, direct the unit's movement, and provide a highly visible point around which formation changes and manoeuvres can be made. The following rules represent the boost to a unit's fighting prowess a standard instils.

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