Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Points Values
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Points values are a useful means of working out evenly matched armies. A game with 1000 points on each side will, theoretically at least, be an equal contest of skill and generalship. Of course, the battlefield terrain will affect your chances of victory, and some kinds of terrain favour one side above another, but on the whole it is better to have a points value system than not.

Creatures have a points value that reflects their fighting abilities on the battlefield. These values are based on the creature's relative profiles to an extent, and also on its special powers, limitations, inherent strengths and weaknesses. The value of an ordinary Man is 5, and this is the base value. All other points values are worked out relative to this. A Goblin is 2 1/2 points; weaker than a Man, a poorer fighter, more likely to run away, and inferior in most respects. Elves are valued at 8 points.

They are more skilled with weapons than a Man. less likely to run from combat and very fast. As well as giving a points value for every type of creature, values are included for weapons and armour. A creature's own points value includes a sword, club, axe or other hand weapon but does not include other weapons or armour. If a warrior is equipped with a spear he costs more points, and if he wears a mail shirt and carries a shield he costs more points still. The more equipment he has, the more points a warrior is worth.

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