Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Monster Mounts
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This section describes rules for characters riding large monsters. Horses, wolves, war boars and other similar sized creatures that only have one wound are covered by the rules already described for cavalry. As you will recall, a mounted knight is a cavalry model. If the knight is slain then the complete model is removed including the horse he is riding. To represent the value of the horse and to make cavalry appropriately resilient an extra +1 is added to the knight's saving throw, but otherwise no account is made of separate casualties for man and rider. This system is fine for these smaller creatures, but obviously wouldn't work for big monsters such as dragons which are far larger and much more difficult to kill than a horse or wolf.

If a creature has two or more wounds then it is classed as a large monster and the following rules are used for riders and mounts. These rules therefore apply to a hero riding a griffon, a wizard mounted on a wyvern, a dragon and its lordly rider, and so on. No additional +1 is added to the rider's saving throw, as the advantages of riding the monster are worked out in other ways.