Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Warrior Familiars
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Warrior familiars often have the appearance of a tiny, armoured man or a miniature Chaos daemon, though some are more bizarre and look like an enormous mouth on legs or a disembodied claw. Whatever their appearance, Warrior familiars are surprisingly tough and dangerous despite their small size because the magical energies which course through them speed their reflexes and give them great strength. A Warrior familiar will leap to the wizard's aid with inhuman speed if any should threaten him.

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Leap Into Combat

A Warrior familiar must stay in base to base contact with its master at all times. If the wizard is engaged in hand to hand combat the Warrior familiar can leap forward to interpose itself between the wizard and his opponents. Reposition the models immediately to place the familiar touching one or more of the wizard's attackers. Any opposing models touching the familiar have to fight it instead of the wizard in the combat phase. The familiar fights first in the initial round of combat regardless of initiative or who charged into combat. If the familiar is fighting an assassin or a character armed with the Sword of Swift Slaying compare initiatives to see who strikes first.