Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Spell Familiars
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Spell familiars are the most intelligent kind of familiar, they actually understand the flow of magic and know how to manipulate it. This means that Spell familiars can learn spells of their own, and, given time and a lot of patience it is possible to teach a Spell familiar one of the potent battle spells used by wizards. In battle the wizard can draw upon the familiar's memory to cast an extra spell.

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Extra Spell

A wizard with a Spell familiar can draw an extra spell card at the start of the game. The spell must be from a spell deck which is normally available to the wizard, eg, Jade for a Jade Wizard, and so on. The wizard can only use the spell as long as the familiar model is touching the wizard model's base. If the familiar moves away from the wizard the extra spell is placed to one side until it returns. If it is a spell which remains in play it is dispelled. If the familiar is killed the extra spell is discarded for the rest of the game. The spell is cast at the magic level of the wizard for the purposes of Dispels but the wizard's own magic level is not increased by the Spell familiar.