Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Example of a Magic Phase
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An Empire and a Bretonnian army are locked in battle. The Empire Battle wizards comprise a Grey wizard and a Bright wizard champion. The Bretonnians have one Celestial wizard champion.

It is the Bretonnian player's turn so in the magic phase he rolls 2D6 to determine the Winds of Magic and gets a seven. He deals out seven cards starting with himself, so he has four magic cards and the Empire player has three.

Because it's his turn, the Bretonnian player starts the spellcasting. He has ended up with two power cards and two Dispel cards and decides to cast a Windblast spell, which will cost both power cards. The Empire player has two Dispels and one power card so (sensibly) he tries to dispel the Windblast, using his Bright Wizard Champion.

The Bright Wizard needs to roll a 4 or more on a D6 to successfully dispel; his roll is not adjusted because he is the same magic level as the Bretonnian. He rolls a 3 and fails. The Empire player still has another Dispel in his hand so he tries again, this time playing it through the Grey wizard (he can't use the Bright wizard again because the Bright wizard has already attempted to dispel the Windblast spell).

The Grey wizard rolls a D6 for his Dispel and deducts 1 from the result (because he's a lower magic level than the Celestial wizard). He rolls a 5, 5-1= 4 so he successfully dispels the Windblast. The two power cards and the two Dispel cards are placed on the discard pile and the spell card is taken back by the Celestial wizard and placed face down to indicate it can't be cast again until next the magic phase.

Now it is the Empire player's turn to cast a spell and he chooses to cast the Radiance of Ptolos from the Grey wizard using his one power card. The Bretonnian player attempts to dispel it by playing one of his Dispels through his Celestial wizard. Because the Celestial wizard is a higher magic level than the Grey wizard he adds one to his dice roll for the Dispel, so he only needs a 3 or more. He rolls a 1 and fails miserably, but he still has one Dispel card left so he tries again. This time he needs a 5 because the Dispel is not directed through a wizard (the Celestial wizard having already tried and failed). He rolls a 4 and fails again. The Radiance of Ptolos is successfully cast and in play. Because both players have now run out of magic cards the magic phase now ends and it is the Empire player's next turn.