Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Determine Winds of Magic
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At the start of the magic phase the player whose turn it is rolls 2D6 to determine the strength of the Winds of Magic for that turn. The result indicates how much raw magic power is available to the wizards that turn (ie, how many magic cards will be used as described below). The greater the Winds of Magic the more magical power is available and more magical activity may take place. This may enable players to cast particularly powerful spells or to dispel their enemy's magic.

The normal value for the Winds of Magic is 2D6 as described in the preceding paragraph, but players may agree to increase this to 3D6, 4D6 or more if
they wish.

Alternatively, variation may form part of the scenario. For example the Winds of Magic may start off at 0 and build by 1D6 per turn. You will find that a higher value does not necessarily result in greater effect because although it will be easier to cast spells it will be easier to dispel them too.

When determining the Winds of Magic you must never roll more dice than there are individual wizards on the battlefield. If there is only one wizard on the battlefield the Winds of Magic roll will be 1D6 rather than 2D6. Dead wizards and wizards unable to cast spells for whatever reasons do not count. This is important as otherwise a single wizard can use all the Winds of Magic and would be almost invincible. Such power is too much for any mortal to handle.