Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Casting Spells
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Once both players have received their magic cards wizards may cast their spells. Play proceeds as follows.

The player whose turn it is nominates one of his wizards and casts one of that wizard's spells. Bear in mind that wizards can only cast their own spells and not those of other wizards. This is why it is important to keep each wizard's spells separate.

To cast a spell the player chooses a spell card and puts it face up on the table together with enough power cards to make it work. Every spell card requires at least one power card to make it work and some require more. The number of power cards required to make a particular spell work is indicated on the spell card itself.

The spell will automatically work unless it is dispelled in some way. Dispels and other ways of countering magic are discussed later. Unless the spell is dispelled, work out the effect as described on the spell card.

Once a spell has been cast any power cards used to power it are removed and placed face up on the discard pile on the tabletop.

Once cast a spell cannot be cast again until the following magic phase. To help you remember it is a good idea to turn spell cards face down once they have been cast. Note that if the effects of a spell lasts for several turns the card may be left face up on the table or in some conspicuous place to show that it remains in play. A spell cannot be cast again while it remains in play.

It is now the other side's turn to cast a spell. This is done in exactly the same way. The player nominates a wizard, chooses one of his spells, and casts it as described above. Play alternates in this fashion until neither player has any more spells he can cast. Play may also be stopped by the special magic card Drain Magic as explained below. At the end of the Magic Phase discard any unused magic cards (with the exception of some of the special cards discussed below).