Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Weapon Runes
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Weapon runes may be enscribed onto swords, hammers, axes or two-handed swords.

Master Rune of Banishment(Magic Weapon)100 points

If the weapon inflicts a single wound on any Undead, and if the wound is not saved, then the creature is slain outright.

Master Rune of Daemon Slaying(Magic Weapon)100 points

If the weapon inflicts a wound on a daemon, and that wound is not saved, the daemon is slain outright.

Master Rune of Death(Magic Weapon)100 points

If an enemy suffers even 1 wound from this weapon he is automatically killed, regardless of how many wounds he may be able to sustain. Roll to hit and wound as normal and make any permitted save. If at least 1 wound is inflicted the enemy is killed.

Master Rune of Dragon Slaying(Magic Weapon)100 points

If the weapon inflicts a single wound on a dragon, and that wound is not saved, then the dragon is slain outright.

Skalf Blackhammer's Master Rune(Magic Weapon)75 points

Any weapon bearing this rune will automatically wound if it hits. Roll to hit as normal. If a hit is scored no roll to wound is required.

Snorri Spangelhelm's Master Rune(Magic Weapon)75 points

Any blows struck by a weapon engraved with this rune will always hit. No roll to hit is necessary.

Rune of Smiting(Magic Weapon)70 points

A weapon engraved with the Rune of Smiting causes not 1 but D6 wounds when it wounds its target. Roll to hit and to wound as normal. If the target is wounded then roll a further Do to establish how many wounds are inflicted. Separate saving throws must be made for each wound suffered. Bear in mind that each attack can only be directed against one enemy model, so all D6 wounds from that blow will be suffered by one model and any excess wounds are effectively wasted.

Alaric The Mad's Master Rune(Magic Weapon)50 points

This rune cancels an opponent's armour saving throw. When wounded by this weapon the target is not allowed an armour saving throw of any kind. This rune is effective against ordinary and magic armour.

Master Rune of Flight(Magic Weapon)50 points

This rune may only be inscribed onto a hammer. The wielder may throw the hammer in the shooting phase. The hammer may be thrown up to 12" at any enemy model within range. The target model is automatically hit once as if struck by the wielder, then the hammer flies back into the wielder's hand.

Rune of Might(Magic Weapon)50 points

The wielder of this weapon may double his Strength when attacking creatures with a Toughness greater than his own. The rune has no effect against other targets. If engraved twice the wielder's Strength is trebled, if engraved thrice it is quadrupled. The maximum Strength value that can be attained is 10.

Curse Rune(Magic Weapon)25 points

If an enemy is struck by this weapon roll a D6: 1-2 no effect; 3-4 enemy model loses -1 Strength; 5-6 enemy model loses -1 Toughness. These penalties apply for the rest of the game. If you have several Attacks roll once for each successful hit. If you have more than one Curse rune on your weapon then do not roll for each rune, instead add +1 to the dice roll for each additional rune. It is not possible to reduce an enemy's Strength or Toughness to below 1.

Master Rune of Swiftness(Magic Weapon)25 points

A weapon engraved with this rune always strikes first. In situations where both sides are entitled to strike first, the highest Initiative value has priority over the lower value. If initiatives are equal, both sides roll a Do and the highest score strikes first.

Rune of Breaking(Magic Weapon)25 points

If the wielder of this weapon successfully hits a character carrying a magic weapon then both sides roll a D6. If the wielder rolls highest the enemy's magic weapon is broken, its power is negated by the rune and rendered useless. Make this test as soon as the hit is scored, then go on to work out wounds and saves as normal.

Rune of Fate(Magic Weapon)25 points

This rune affects only the first enemy character model struck by the weapon during the battle. All wounds inflicted on the character by the weapon are doubled - ie for each wound inflicted the target suffers two wounds. Take any saving throws after doubling wounds, so the foe has a chance to save each wound inflicted. This bonus applies to all further attacks made by the weapon against that enemy model for the rest of the game. If this rune is enscribed twice wounds are trebled; if enscribed three times wounds are quadrupled.

Rune of Cleaving(Magic Weapon)20 points

The wielder of this weapon adds +1 to his Strength.

Rune of Fury(Magic Weapon)20 points

The wielder of this weapon adds +1 to his Attack characteristic.

Rune of Parrying(Magic Weapon)20 points

This rune cancels out one enemy attack in hand-to-hand combat - the weapon parries the attack automatically. The rune cancels only one attack regardless of how many enemy may be fighting the weapon's wielder. The player may choose which attack he parries.

Rune of Striking(Magic Weapon)20 points

The wielder of this weapon may add +1 to his Weapon Skill.

Rune of Cutting(Magic Weapon)10 points

An enemy struck by this weapon must make any saving throw with an additional - 1 save modifier.

Rune of Fire(Magic Weapon)10 points

The weapon bursts into flame as it is withdrawn from its scabbard. Fire can cause extra damage on some targets (such as Treemen).