Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Talismanic Runes
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Talismanic runes may only be enscribed on rings, amulets, belts, crowns, helms, etc.

Master Rune of Kingship(Talisman)100 points

This rune may only be engraved on the crown of a Dwarf king. The unit led by the king is immune to fear and terror. For the unit led by the king, break tests are always taken on an unmodified Ld value of 10. This is never reduced regardless of combat results or magic, so the number to be tested against is always 10 on 2D6.

Master Rune of Dismay(Talisman)50 points

This rune can only be enscribed on a warhorn. The horn may be sounded once per battle, at the end of the Dwarf player's turn. Every enemy unit on the field must test against their Leadership in the same way as for psychology. If they fail they are so dismayed that they may not move or charge in their following turn.

Master Rune of Spite(Talisman)50 points

This rune turns an attacker's blows against himself. Every time the model suffers a wound in hand-to-hand combat roll a D6. On a result of 4+ the wound is taken by the enemy who inflicted it instead.

Rune of Spellbreaking(Talisman)25 points

Only Runesmiths can use this rune. It may only be used once per battle, and will stop enemy magic instantly. The rune may be played to automatically dispel one enemy spell - there is no need to roll.

Rune of Luck(Talisman)10 points

This rune allows its bearer to re-roll any dice roll once during the game. The rune only works once, after which it is useless.

Rune of Passage(Talisman)10 points

The character and any unit with him may move through woods or other difficult or very difficult terrain with no movement penalty. Note - the Rune of Passage cannot be used in conjunction with a march move.

Rune of the Furnace(Talisman)10 points

The bearer of this rune is immune to fire, heat and flame. He cannot be affected by fire attacks, magical fire, or the flames of a Skaven warpfire thrower.