Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Nurgle (Magic Items)
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Champions or Sorcerers of Nurgle only.

Nurgle's Foul Odour(Ability)50 points

The Champion and any unit he is with are surrounded by a cloud of nauseous gas. Any enemy fighting them suffers -1 WS in hand-to-hand combat. Any unit with the Champion is unaffected by the smell.

Nurgle's Rot(Ability)35 points

After making normal attacks in hand-to-hand combat, roll D6 for each enemy model in base contact. On a roll of 6 they contract Nurgle's Rot and suffer a single wound. Even magic armour may not save.

Nurgle's Cloud of Flies(Ability)30 points

A cloud of flies surrounds the Nurgle Champion. All enemy models in base contact suffer -1 to hit, whether they are attacking the Chaos Champion or another target.