Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Non-Aligned Rewards
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These rewards may only be taken by Chaos Champions or Chaos Sorcerers.

Breathe Fire(Ability)50 points

Use teardrop-shaped template. Any models affected are hit on D6 roll of 4+ for a single S4 hit.

Regeneration(Ability)50 points

The Champion can regenerate damage like a Troll, and regenerates wounds on 4+ (see rules for Trolls on P15 of the Battle Bestiary).

Iron Hard Skin(Ability)40 points

The recipient benefits from a 4+ saving throw against wounds, taken after any normal armour save for armour has been failed, and is not modified by the enemy's Strength.

Hideous Appearance(Ability)35 points

The Champion causes fear, and is immune to fear himself.

Scorpion Tail(Ability)35 points

After the Champion has made his normal attacks he may make an extra attack with his tail (S5). No armour save allowed, even for magic armour.

Mace Tail(Ability)25 points

After his normal attacks, the Champion may make 1 additional attack with his tail (S5).

Many Arms(Ability)25 points

Champion may either carry an additional weapon for +1 Attacks, or an additional shield for +1 save.

Massive Horns(Ability)25 points

+1 Attack in hand-to-hand combat.

Scaly Skin(Ability)25 points

The Champion has a 4+ saving roll against wounds, taken after any normal saving throw has been failed, and which is modified by his enemy's Strength as usual.