Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Magic Item / Spell
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The following items can be used by ordinary characters as well as wizards. These spells are cast in the magic phase in the same way as the spells of wizards except that they require no power to cast - their power comes from the item itself.

Doomfire Ring(Wizard Arcana)100 points

Three times per battle in the magic phase the wearer can direct a jet of flame at an enemy model up to 18" away. The victim sustains 2D6 S3 hits, no saving throw allowed (not even for magic armour).

Three uses only.

Horn of Urgok(Wizard Arcana)75 points

Affects all units within 24". Enemy units in close combat must take a Panic test or be broken and flee. Fleeing friendly units rally.

May be used three times only.

Pipes of Doom(Wizard Arcana)75 points

In the magic phase, the holder may cast a spell on any mounted single model or cavalry unit within 18". The unit or rider suffers D6 S4 hits. Victims may not charge next turn.

Skarsnik's Prodder(Wizard Arcana)75 points

In magic phase, the Prodder may fire 1 blast for each Orc or Goblin unit within 12", plus one extra for each that is in hand-to-hand combat. Blast is S4, max. range 24", and hits first model in its path. Orc units must be 10 strong, Goblin units 20 strong, to count. Blasts may also be directed against opponents in base contact.

Night Goblins only.

Brass Orb(Wizard Arcana)65 points

May be thrown in magic phase. Use large stone thrower template. Affected models must save against I on D6 or be sucked into the Realm of Chaos (roll of 6 always fails). Roll to see whether template reappears.

One use only. Skaven only.

Claw of Nagash(Wizard Arcana)50 points

Can be used against a model within 6". Roll 2D6 and subtract victim's Toughness = number of wounds caused. No saving throw allowed, not even for magic armour.

One use only.

The Orb of Thunder(Wizard Arcana)50 points

Prevents flying creatures flying high. Creatures already flying high cannot descend. Spell lasts until dispelled.

May be used three times per battle.

Ring of Corin(Wizard Arcana)50 points

Once a turn, during the magic phase, the bearer may attempt to nullify the power of a named magic item within 12". Roll 2D6 and multiply the result by 10. If the total equals or exceeds the points value of the target magic item its power is drained and it becomes useless for the rest of the game.

Note that the user must name the item he wishes to nullify. This means that he can only be sure of finding an item once it has been used - although there is nothing to stop him guessing!

Bands of Power(Wizard Arcana)40 points

Use in magic phase. Wearer doubles S (max. S10) until beginning of next magic phase.

Three uses only. Skaven only.

Ring of Volans(Wizard Arcana)25 points

The ring starts the game containing 1 randomly determined spell card (from a College deck). The spell may be used once per game in any magic phase, and costs no power to cast.

One use only.