Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Magic Armour
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The following items are all magic armour. A character can have no more than one suit of magic armour and no more than one magic shield. Wizards cannot wear armour without compromising their spell casting ability.

Black Armour of Nagash(Magic Armour)100 points

Unmodified 4+ armour save against hand-to-hand or missile attacks. 4+ save against magic spells or attacks (unmodified).

Nagash only.

Note that although the Armour of Nagash offers a saving throw against the effects of a magic spell, this does not constitute a dispel. It is possible for Nagash to avoid the effects of a spell which devastates accompanying troops, for example. Also note that the Armour of Nagash does not affect Nagash's ability to cast spells.

Spelleater Shield(Magic Armour)100 points

Any spell cast against the bearer or unit he is with will be dispelled on a roll of 3 or more on a D6. After use, roll off to keep or discard enemy's spell card.

Armour of Brilliance(Magic Armour)75 points

Foes suffer -2 to hit. Armour confers 3+ saving throw.

Bretonnia only.

Armour of Skaldor(Magic Armour)75 points

Saving roll of 2+. Wearer may re-roll failed save on 4+ (unmodified). Confers immunity from all fire attacks.

Dwarf King only.

Dragon Armour of Aenarion(Magic Armour)70 points

Gives Tyrion basic save of 4+. Re-roll failed saves on 4+ (unmodified). Ignores saving throw modifiers for all fire-based attacks.

Tyrion only.

Armour of Protection(Magic Armour)50 points

Counts as heavy armour (save S+). Wearer can re-roll failed armour save, and will save on 4+ (unmodified).

Chaos Runeshield(Magic Armour)50 points

If attacked by a magic weapon, the shield negates its magical effects.

Chaos only.

Golden Helm of Atrazar(Magic Armour)50 points

If the wearer suffers 1 or more wounds the helm will negate each on a D6 roll of 3+. Roll once per wound.

Shadow Armour(Magic Armour)50 points

Counts as heavy armour (5+ save). Bearer may move through difficult terrain and obstacles with no penalty. Subtract -1 from Strength of attacks made against bearer, unless magic.

High Elves only.

Spellshield(Magic Armour)50 points

Shield may deflect enemy spells cast at bearer or unit he is with. Roll scatter dice. If 'hit', spell is unaffected. If arrow, spell deflected 4D6" in direction indicated.

Warpstone Armour(Magic Armour)50 points

Saving throw of 4+ (unmodified). For every hit saved armour inflicts S3 hit against the attacker. May be worn by Skaven wizards without compromising their ability to cast spells.

Skaven only.

Armour of Meteoric Iron(Magic Armour)25 points

Wearer has armour saving roll of 2+.

Note that because the save of Armour of Meteoric Iron is not improved by shields, the Shield of Ptolos and the Enchanted Shield are useless with it.

Baneshield(Magic Armour)25 points

When bearer saves against enemy in close combat, shield unleashes 1 S4 energy bolt against that enemy.

High Elves only.

Crimson Armour of Dargan(Magic Armour)25 points

Confers a basic saving throw of 4+. Attacking model must pass Leadership test to strike.

Chaos only.

Armour of Fortune(Magic Armour)15 points

Counts as heavy armour. Wearer can re-roll failed armour save, and will save on 5+ (unmodified).

Chaos Armour(Magic Armour)10 points

Confers basic 4+ save. A Wizard may wear Chaos Armour and still cast spells.

Chaos only.

Dragonhelm(Magic Armour)10 points

Extra unmodified saving throw of 2+ against fire attacks.

Shield of Ptolos(Magic Armour)10 points

Basic saving throw of 1+ vs missile attacks.

Note that although the shield counts against war engines, it only does so if the machine normally gives a save - eg, Dwarf flame cannon and the Skaven jezzail.

Armour of Endurance(Magic Armour)5 points

Counts as heavy armour. Wearer can re-roll failed armour save, and will save on 6 (unmodified).

Enchanted Shield(Magic Armour)5 points

+1 bonus on armour saving rolls.