Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Devices of Protection
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These items offer protection of some kind or another, either against magic, or against physical damage incurred in some other way.

Jade Griffon(Talisman)75 points

Takes effect at the end of each shooting phase and each hand-to-hand combat phase. If the Theogonist has suffered any wounds, but not been killed, all his wounds are instantly healed. If he is killed outright, the Jade Griffon cannot save him.

Empire Grand Theogonist only.

The Silver Seal(Talisman)75 points

Enemy missile shots and hand-to-hand combat blows against the bearer suffer -1 to hit modifier. Enemy spells cast against bearer or unit he is with dispelled on 4+.

Black Amulet(Talisman)50 points

Negates any wound on a 4+. In hand-to-hand combat any wound saved by the amulet is rebounded against the foe, no saving throw allowed, not even for magic armour.

The Black Amulet is not armour. It will work against any magic weapon which normally ignores armour. It will even work against a weapon which ignores magic armour. The Black Amulet's save is not modified for the strength of attack, but gives a straight 4+ save. Any wounds saved by the Black Amulet are rebounded against the attacker, but note that it cannot rebound the magical effects of weapons. It simply rebounds each wound struck. In the case of magic weapons that score multiple wounds (eg 'each unsaved wound = D3 wounds') take the Black Amulet's save before multiplying the wounds. In this case wounds will only be multiplied if the Black Amulet fails to save.

Dawnstone(Talisman)25 points

Re-roll failed armour save.

Note that the Dawnstone allows a re-roll of an armour save that you are otherwise entitled to. It does not count as magical armour or give ordinary armour magic abilities. It cannot therefore be used to save against a magic weapon which negates armour saves.

Talisman of Ulric(Talisman)25 points

Bearer recovers 1 wound at the start of his turn. The Talisman has no effect if the bearer is slain.

Empire Elector Count only.

Magic War Paint(Talisman)5 points

Saving throw of 3+ against missile weapons and 5+ against hand-to-hand combat attacks.

Savage Orcs, Skaven, Forest Goblins & Wood Elves only.

Magic War Paint isn't magic armour but it is comparable in its effects. A character cannot have Magic War Paint and Magic Armour, if he were to do so the effect of the Magic War Paint would be cancelled out. Unlike armour, War Paint does not compromise the ability of its wearer to cast spells. Although it is not armour in the strict sense, War Paint offers the same protection against a magic weapon or spell as magic armour. For example, it does give a save against the Swörd of Justice which automatically penetrates normal armour but still allows a save against magic armour.