Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Armour Runes
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These runes are enscribed onto armour and shields. Any Dwarf character who has armour or a shield may be given up to three armour runes.

Master Rune of Gromril(Magic Armour)150 points

A character wearing armour enscribed with this rune has a Toughness of 10. This rune cannot be combined with any other armour rune.

Master Rune of Adamant(Magic Armour)50 points

This rune adds +2 to the armour save of the character. This rune can be combined with a Rune of Stone to give a +3 save. It is possible that this may reduce the required dice roll to a negative number, in which case only attacks with a high saving throw modifier can harm the character.

Rune of Fortitude(Magic Armour)50 points

This rune gives its bearer +1 wound.

Rune of Iron(Magic Armour)50 points

This rune adds +1 to the Toughness of the character.

Rune of Resistance(Magic Armour)50 points

This rune allows the character to re-roll any failed armour saving throws. The re-roll saves on a D6 score of a 4+ and no modifiers apply.

Rune of Spell Eating(Magic Armour)50 points

Any spell cast specifically at the bearer of this rune is automatically dispelled with no effect. When this happens roll a D6 and subtract the dispelled spell's power. If the result is 1 or less then the rune is overloaded and may not be used again for the rest of the game.

Rune of Stone(Magic Armour)5 points

This rune adds +1 to the character's armour save. The Rune of Stone is an exception to the normal rule which forbids the same combination of runes to be used on several items, so a single Rune of Stone may be enscribed onto any character's armour. The Rune of Stone cannot be used more than once on the same item.