Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

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Wraiths are insubstantial creatures whose bodies are ethereal. They can move through solid objects and therefore suffer no penalties for moving over difficult terrain or obstacles. They can move through buildings just as easily, but they cannot move through living creatures.


Wraiths are supernatural evil creatures of great power. They cause terror as described in the Warhammer rulebook.

Immune To Psychology

Wraiths are not affected by psychology themselves. They are immune to fear, terror, panic and all other psychology tests.


Wraiths are insubstantial creatures and so cannot be harmed in combat except by attacks from magical weapons or daemons. They are affected by magic spells. They can still be beaten in hand-to-hand fighting because combat results are not wholly dependent upon casualties.

Chill Attack

The touch of a Wraith drains life from living creatures. Most creatures are drained in a single attack and are slain, but creatures with several wounds will be harder to drain. If a victim takes a wound from a Wraith then it must subtract - 1 from all its combat dice rolls to hit. If the victim takes 2 wounds then it subtracts -2 from its dice rolls, 3 wound -3 and so on. Obviously if the victim has only 1 wound then it will be killed outright, so this rule only affects creatures with several wounds.

Combat Results

If they are beaten in combat, fail their break test and are forced to flee then Wraiths are immediately destroyed. If they win the combat then their enemy may flee (as troops beaten by creatures which cause fear or terror are automatically broken if outnumbered). Otherwise a unit fighting Wraiths must take a break test at the end of every turn of hand-to-hand combat, and it will flee if this is failed. This means it is possible for a unit to win the combat, but still end up fleeing if the Wraiths are not destroyed.