Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Wood Elf Wardancers
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Wardancers are Wood Elves and therefore suffer no movement penalties for moving through woods.


Wardancers wear little or even no armour, but they suffer no movement penalties for the armour they wear. They are used to the weight, and often wear specially lightened armour for their dances.


Wardancers fight as a loose group, leaping and bounding over the ground as they dance forward into combat. To represent this they do not have to adopt a formal formation, but can fight with models up to 2" apart. This is the same as skirmishing troops, although Wardancers do not skirmish as such. Also in the same way as skirmishing troops Wardancers do not suffer any penalties for turning, moving over difficult terrain, or moving over obstacles.

Move Through

Wardancers can move straight through friendly units, leaping and bounding straight over the top of their own troops. They can literally dance across their spear points! This does not restrict the movement of either. the Wardancers or any units moved over.

Move Over Enemy

Wardancers can also move straight over enemy units by leaping over the heads of the enemy troops. No blows are struck by either side when the Wardancers do this, as the Elves are too busy jumping and the enemy are too surprised!

The Elves must clear the unit when they leap over enemy troops. They cannot leap into the middle of an enemy formation as this would undoubtedly lead to combat.

Wardancers can leap over an enemy unit to charge another enemy from the flank or behind, thus avoiding skirmishing troops or a blocking unit to reach their preferred target.

Special Attacks

Wardancers are masters of all kinds of martial abilities. When fighting in close combat the unit may use one of the following special attack modes. Obviously you will choose the one which gives you the best advantage over whatever enemy is being attacked. All the Wardancers in the unit must choose the same attack mode each round, but you can use whichever attack you wish.

Whirling Death: By means of the whirling dance of death each Wardancer strikes twice, increasing his attacks from 1 to 2.

Woven Mist: With sinuous dancing movements the Wardancers distract and entrance their enemy, like snakes which sway to the piping of their master. Before combat begins the enemy unit makes a leadership test to overcome the Woven Mist (2D6 against leadership). If successful the unit is unaffected. If the enemy unit fails its test they will require a 6 to hit when they attack that turn.

The Shadows Coil: With astounding grace and skill the Wardancers avoid the stabbing swords and clumsy blows of their enemies, darting aside, leaping in the air, ducking to the ground, and making it impossible to hit them. Neither side may strike any blows this turn. The combat is automatically drawn with neither side victorious. This is a good ability for holding up powerful enemy, trapping the foe in a combat he cannot win.

Storm of Blades: The Wardancers leap from side to side, but as they pass a particular enemy they each strike at him, concentrating their blows against one target. All the Wardancers may strike all of their attacks against any single enemy model which is facing any one of the Wardancers. Other enemy in contact with Wardancers are ignored. This does not prevent other enemy models in contact with Wardancers fighting back, but it does enable the Wardancers to deal effectively with a powerful enemy character.