Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

War Boars
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War Boars are really hard to control so when the boar decides to run off or charge madly out of control it is very difficult for the rider to do much about it. To represent this wildness a War Boar rider always reduces his leadership value by -1 when taking any tests. So an Orc with a leadership of 7 will test with a leadership of 6, for example.


War Boars are obstinate, thick-skinned and very difficult to kill. A hit is likely to make the creature even more determined to fight on. A War Boar rider therefore receives an extra bonus onto his save roll, +2 rather than +1 for other cavalry mounts such as horses and wolves. So, for example, an Orc rider wearing a chainmail shirt and carrying a shield has an armour save of 3+ compared to 4+ for a man wearing the same armour and riding a horse, and 5+ for the same Orc fighting on foot. This makes War Boar riders very difficult to kill!

Combat Bonus

A charging War Boar is a bad-tempered mound of bloody-minded muscle and bone with pointy tusks, sharp teeth, and thundering hooves. The impact of this slavering beast on an enemy formation is just as effective as that of a Knight with a lance. A charging War Boar therefore receives a strength bonus of +2. This extra bonus applies only to the War Boar and not to the Orc rider.