Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

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Trolls are large and extremely repulsive monsters which cause fear as described in the Psychology section of the Warhammer rulebook.


Trolls are extremely stupid creatures that get. confused very easily. Trolls are affected by the rules described for stupidity in the Psychology section of the Warhammer rulebook.


Trolls can regenerate damage if they are not too badly hurt. Work this out as follows. When Trolls are attacked calculate the number of wounds the unit suffers as normal. Once both sides involved in the combat have made all their attacks the Trolls may try to regenerate. Roll a D6 for each wound suffered during the combat. If you roll a 4 or more that wound has regenerated. Any regenerated wounds are reinstated, and models removed as casualties are replaced if enough wounds are regenerated.

The results of combat are worked out after the Trolls have regenerated, and the number of wounds inflicted on them does not include any that are regenerated.

For example, three Trolls are fighting five Empire Knights. The Knights strike first and inflict 5 wounds, enough to kill one Troll and cause 2 further wounds. The remaining 2 Trolls inflict 3 wounds on the Knights. The Trolls now test to regenerate and successfully regenerate 3 wounds. The 3 wounds are reinstated, the slain Troll is replaced, and the 2 wounds suffered are noted down. In this example the Knights have scored only 2 wounds in the end while the Trolls have inflicted 3. Assuming no other combat bonuses apply the Trolls have won thanks to their regenerative abilities.


Troll flesh cannot regenerate when it is burned. If a Troll sustains one or more wounds from flames then it cannot regenerate any wounds, not even those inflicted by ordinary weapons.


A Troll has a particularly unpleasant alternative method of attack which is to vomit the contents of its stomach over its enemy. As a Troll's digestive juices are extremely corrosive this is a horrible thing to happen. Should a Troll elect to vomit it may make no other attacks in hand-to-hand combat that turn. The heaving Troll automatically inflicts 1 strength 5 hit on his enemy. The Troll's vomit is sticky and semi-liquid, so it penetrates through armour easily and even dissolves part of it away. No armour saving throw is therefore allowed against a vomit attack.