Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

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Treemen are huge and frightening monsters. They cause fear as described in the Psychology section of the Warhammer rulebook.

Woody Skin

Treemen have skin which is like thick bark. This acts like armour and gives the Treeman an armour saving throw of 5 or 6 on a D6.


Treemen burn extremely easily because of their dry, woody skin. Any Treeman hit by a flaming weapon or a fiery magic spell will take double wounds, so for every wound scored the Treeman sustains 2 wounds.

Hate Orcs and Goblins

Treemen hate Orcs and Goblins because they burn the forests and cut down the oldest trees to make war machines. The rules for hatred apply as described in the Psychology section of the Warhammer rulebook.


Treemen may move in woods without penalty. Woodlands do not count as difficult terrain to Treemen.