Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

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Snotling Bases

Snotlings are so small that they are modelled in multiples on a single large base. The base contains about nine Snotlings but is treated as if it were a single large monster with several wounds and attacks. The Snotling base fights at full effect until it has taken 3 wounds when it is removed.


Snotlings don't really think for themselves, they merely mimic the actions of Orcs and Goblins around them. A Snotling unit must always be within 12" of an Orc or Goblin unit and will move to within this distance during the movement phase if it finds itself further away. The Snotlings always do what the nearest unit of Orcs or Goblins does - cheerfully imitating their neighbours' actions.

If the nearest unit of Orcs or Goblins is engaged in hand-to-hand combat or declares a charge this turn then the Snotlings must charge the nearest enemy if they can. If they are too far away to charge the Snotlings move towards the nearest enemy as fast as they are able.

If the nearest unit of Orcs or Goblins is fleeing, or if it fails a break or panic test and so starts to flee, then the Snotlings pretend to flee as well! The Snotling unit is immediately broken and treated just like a unit broken in combat or fleeing following a failed panic test.

If the nearest unit is Savage Orcs fighting in a frenzy then the Snotlings also go frenzied if they are fighting hand-to-hand.

Otherwise the Snotlings will keep pace with their nearest neighbours, ensuring that they remain within 12".

So long as they have neighbours within 12" the Snotlings are not affected by the psychology rules and they do not need to take break tests when they are beaten in hand-to-hand combat. Because they copy their neighbours they will be affected by the results of these units' psychology tests, break tests, and so on. This means that Snotlings can be very frustrating to fight, because no matter how many are slain they keep fighting so long as their neighbours hold steady. A large powerful unit of enemy troops can be bogged down by Snotlings and overwhelmed, even though the Snotlings are unlikely to cause many casualties.

If Snotlings find themselves themselves further than 12" away from a unit of Orcs or Goblins, and if they cannot move to within 12" of a unit during that movement phase, then they mill around in a confused mass. The Snotlings will not move until they are able to move within 12" of a friendly Orc or Goblin unit, and if charged by enemy troops they are automatically broken as if they had failed a panic or fear test. If the Snotlings are not within 12" of a friendly Orc or Goblin unit they are affected by psychology as normal.


Snotlings cannot be joined by heroes or led by them - they fight as a big mass of their own kind and are far too excited to respond to even the simplest commands. Note that the animosity rules do not affect Snotlings - animosity only applies to Orcs and Goblins.