Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Skaven Packmasters
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In combat each Packmaster and all the creatures in the pack fight using their own weapon skills, strength etc. Enemy models can choose to strike at any Packmaster or creature whose base they are touching.


A pack of creatures moves at the speed of its slowest members, normally the Packmasters. When a pack charges or pursues the creatures will move at full speed. If the enemy is more than 10" away the Packmasters will not be able to fight on the first turn. Place them at the rear of the pack.

Missile Casualties

When the enemy shoots at a pack of creatures randomise the casualties inflicted between the creatures and the Packmasters. For example, if the unit comprises 4 creatures and 2 Packmasters roll a D6 for each hit. On a 1-4 a creature is hit; on 5-6 a Packmaster is hit.


Packs of creatures always use the Leadership characteristic of their Packmasters when they take any leadership tests, providing there is still at least one Packmaster alive in the unit.