Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Plague Censer Bearers
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Plague Censer Bearers always fight in a loose, skirmishing formation as described in the rules for skirmishers in the Warhammer rulebook. This is because the foul fumes of their censers form a poisonous cloud around each Skaven, making it difficult and disadvantageous to fight in a closely packed formation.

Plague Monks

Plague Censer Bearers always fight alongside a unit of Plague Monks. Censer Bearers must remain within 6" of their Plague Monk unit until they charge into combat. If the Plague Monk unit flees or is affected by psychology, the Censer Bearers are also affected in exactly the same way. If the Censer Bearers are called upon to make a leadership test for combat or psychology, then they may use the leadership value of their Plague Monk unit, assuming it is still within 6".


In close combat the Plague Censer is wielded like a flail - see the Weapons section for rules on flails. In addition the swinging censer creates a 1" radius fog of death around the bearer. Roll a D6 for any models inside this area at the start of the close combat phase, and if the roll is higher than the model's toughness value the bubonic vapours overcome the model and inflict one wound. No armour saving throw is possible as the vapours penetrate any defence.

Note that the Censer Bearer must make this test himself, for even Skaven are not immune, but they are more resistant and are only overcome on the roll of 6. Astute readers will realise that it is a very good plan to keep all your Censer Bearers at least 1" apart and away from other Skaven to avoid accidentally poisoning your own troops.


The billowing clouds of vapour surrounding Censer Bearers makes them difficult targets to shoot at, hence the normal -1 to hit modifier for shooting at skirmishers is doubled up to -2 when shooting at Plague Censer Bearers.


Plague Censer Bearers are fanatical servants of Clan Pestilens, crazed upon the fumes of their censers, and driven to insane acts of bravado by the excitement of battle. Plague Censer Bearers are therefore affected by the rules for frenzy given in the Warhammer rulebook. When Plague Censer Bearers charge they must test to see if they go into a wild destructive frenzy.


The ecstatic exhilaration of the Plague Censer Bearers manifests itself as a consuming hatred of living things. Censer Bearers are affected by the rules for hatred given in the Warhammer rulebook. This means they take all break tests as if they had a leadership of 10, they can reroll any misses on the first round of combat and must always pursue a fleeing foe.