Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 4th Edition

Night Goblin Fanatics
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Goblin Fanatics are not placed on the table at the start of the game like other troops. Instead you must note down where they are hidden. Up to three Fanatics can hide in each Night Goblin infantry unit - note down which units conceal Fanatics and how many. These Fanatics remain hidden, carried along by their fellows, until they are ready to be pushed out towards the enemy.

If the Night Goblin unit is routed then the Fanatics are carried along with their companions. If the Night Goblin unit is destroyed then the Fanatics are destroyed as well.


Goblin Fanatics are released as soon as enemy come within 8" of their unit. There is no choice here, all the Fanatics in a unit must be released as soon as enemy are within this distance. This often forms an exception to the normal turn sequence, because the enemy may move to within 8" during his turn. He may even be charging the Night Goblin unit for example.

Whatever the situation, whether it is your or your opponent's turn, as soon as enemy approach to within 8" you declare that your Fanatics are coming out! All movement is halted immediately. If a moving enemy has triggered the Fanatics then the enemy unit is halted at 8" away. The Fanatics' attacks are worked out completely before the game proceeds any further.


The Fanatics are shoved out of their unit towards the enemy. Take each Fanatic model and declare which direction it will be moving in. Now roll 2D6 for each Fanatic and move the model that number of inches. Obviously some models will move further than others, and the average roll is 7, so you have to do slightly better than average to hit your target.

Fanatics move straight through any troops in the way. They do not stop but keep whirling forwards oblivious to their surroundings. It is possible for a Fanatic to whirl through several enemy units if he is especially lucky!


Fanatics don't fight hand-to-hand combat at all. Instead they cause immense damage as they whirl through their target. They cannot be attacked in hand-to-hand combat either - the only way to destroy a Fanatic is to shoot him or to wait and let him collapse from exhaustion.

If a Fanatic touches a unit as he moves, it automatically sustains D6 strength 5 hits from the spinning ball of death. It does not matter how many models the Fanatic spins through. If he hits one then he bounds about inside the unit, bouncing from foe to foe, until he spins out of the other side, leaving the enemy completely devastated.

No saving throws are permitted for armour from Fanatic attacks. Heavily armoured targets are therefore just as vulnerable to others - their armour is easily crushed by the huge ball while nimbler, more lightly armour individuals may actually be able to dodge and duck more easily.

Work out all the damage from Fanatics as they emerge from their concealing units. If they cause very high casualties in enemy units this results in a panic test in the same way as missile casualties. In this case work out the result before continuing. This can be useful, as it allows Goblins to drive off charging enemy units with their Fanatics, and even enemy who are not panicked into fleeing away will be severely mauled.

Further Movement

Once Fanatics are in place they move during their own turn at the beginning of the movement phase once charges have been declared. It is best to move Fanatics before doing other compulsory movement (such as fleeing units). For each Fanatic in turn roll a scatter dice to determine which direction it moves in - the Goblin is now so utterly disorientated that he moves in a random direction. Move the Fanatic 2D6 inches in the direction indicated by the arrow on the scatter dice.

If you roll a double on the 2D6 roll then the Fanatic has met with an accident, wrapping the chain around his neck, or perhaps his heart just gives out and he collapses to the ground. In any case, a double indicates the Fanatic has met his end and the model is immediately removed from the table. Note this only happens when moving randomly, not when the Fanatic emerges from his unit.

Work out damage on units the Fanatic touches as he moves. of course, as he is moving in a random direction at a random speed, he is quite likely to whirl out of control and hit either side. Hopefully the initial push towards the enemy will ensure that the Fanatic hits the enemy more often than he hits his mates... but you can never be sure.

Charging Through Fanatics

Fanatics are spinning circles of death, so it is not a good idea to move troops into them deliberately. If a charging unit is suddenly confronted by emerging Fanatics, leaving Fanatics in front of the chargers and between them and their target unit, then the chargers can either remain halted or complete their charge. This is up to the player.

If chargers move through Fanatics they have not already encountered then they sustain more damage as they hit the deranged Goblins. This may cause a panic test on the charging unit, but if they have already taken and passed a panic test due to Fanatic casualties that turn then they do not have to test again.

Moving Through Fanatics

Apart from chargers who are moving through emerging Fanatics, troops are not allowed to move through Fanatics.
No one in their right mind would even think of going near these whirling maniacs, and chargers can only do so because they have already built up a head of steam (and keep their eyes shut!). Sometimes troops are forced to move into Fanatics, because they move randomly, or they are forced to flee through them for example. Such troops sustain damage as if hit by the Fanatics


If a Fanatic moves into an obstacle, wood, building, or into another Fanatic then he is slain. In the case of two Fanatics colliding both are slain. Splat!


Fanatics are immune to and cannot be beaten (or even fought) in hand-to-hand combat. They therefore have no leadership value — they are far too crazed to care!